I have a massive mix of things I do, typically coming at the cost of sleep. Roleplay's another one of them on the list. It's fundamentally a matter of time management. Set certain things for certain times, know how your week is going to go. Usually I'm decent at it, though this past month not so much. A quick way for me to get in "the mood" so to speak is to watch a movie, read a book, etc. that relates to whatever I'm going to write about. Getting the visual in my head helps get the mantra going; without it I've had spells where I had no idea what to write at all. If this works for you or not, who knows; perhaps give it a go. Video games can also stir it up; I've been able to very slowly chug with a back-burner roleplay by playing a game that is directly relevant to it. I've gotten into historical gangster shows, of all things as of late. I suspect that's what has been grabbing most of my inspiration for other topics.