Nona drops her new phone after she transformed then looks around in shock, looking up and down, and her arms and legs frantically trying to figure out what the heck just happened to her. She growls and picked up the phone and reads the instructions. "Now that we have given you magic and your costume, go to your new phone and join the group chat!" Nona huffs and quickly taps on it not caring about what happens to her after this. All she wanted to do now is get back to work and back to trying to fix what she messed up on in life. "Hello..." Nona says with a stern voice not used to being friendly to people and talking to people at all. "Can someone explain what is going on and what I have to do in this darn place... The light is hurting my eyes" She adds still using the same sternness. Nona walks around looking at the plants in the garden trying to find some sort of shade to hide in.