[b][i]The Emperor sat for a moment in silence, then motioned for all to rise.[/i][/b] [color=0072bc]"I have called you here, my warriors, to bring my wrath down upon those who would threaten our great Empire! The manufacturing world of Arnax has rebeled, their armies are up in arms, assaulting nearby loyalist worlds. I have already dispatched two full battalion of Marines to begin the siege of the traitorous world. You are to take a state of the art ship from my own personal stock... I want you to find the leader of the Rebellion, a powerful Psychic and aristocrat. Gaius Invictus, of the House Tyrius! My own blood, distant through many generation. this betrayal will not go unpunished... Now go, take the Feronia, my personal exploratory ship, my friend here will accompany you [i][b]he motions to the silent figure by his side[/b][/i] and kill the traitors!"[/color] [b][i]He then suddenly vanished, fading from all detection in a mere instant. The Guards fled back behind the Throne without a word, disappearing from sight. The silent warrior remained, leading you to the docking bay of the great Imperial Spire, there you find a magnificent ship, ready and waiting. The docking bay is vast and cavernous, the great vaulted ceilings adorned lightly with murals of ancient spaceflight. The airlock is open, and the interior almost beckons you.[/i][/b] [img]https://images.discordapp.net/.eJwNyEESgyAMAMC_cJeESEzxAf0Hgwza0cJAPHX693aP-zF3P81qdtU2VoDtGKn2zQ6tPZZsS63lzLEdw6Z6QVSNab_yWwcQssjCElDECxELEBOHIIuX_-ID0YGQJ54n5zG44J4008RoX62Y7w_UsSQW.jMSJV-t77BbgaPVZ3sPv-b1gJN4[/img]