Iowa had followed the other freelancers, though he was being strangely quiet. He was thinking. Thinking about the tests. [i]How will I do?[/i] he thinks, [i]I'll do fine, I hope. After all, I've come this far.[/i] That thought made him grin. James had one thing that would help him. [i]The will to go on.[/i] He followed really close to the others, still not saying a word. All he needed to do was [i]think[/i], think about what he would do in certain situations, and think about how to [i]crack that damn holographic lock that FILSS had challenged him with a day or two ago[/i]. It was like his parents, always presenting him with new challenges. [i]I wonder how my parents are doing. I wonder if they are still well, living happily together.[/i] A single tear came down James' eye, but he quickly wiped it away.