[i]Tilts sunglasses so they shine super badass like[/i] "WAAAAASSSSUUAAAAAPPPP MY BROMEN AND BROWOMEN OF THE INTERWEBZ,Y'ALL DOWN FOR SOME GNARLY WORD WRITING!?" [i]Chugs three Capri-Suns[/i] "ITS YA MAN RANDAMRINGMASTA HERE WITH ALL THE ILLEST STUFF TO GET RADICAL UP IN THIS FOSHIZZLE!" [i]Radical guitar solo[/i] Oh my gosh that made me cringe writing that, Anyways hello I'm The Random Ringmaster A writer who enjoys well....writing, the writing usually be fiction of the nonsensical variety, I'm here to expand my writing ability while also having fun and sculpting a path of words into a fun story, I may or may not lurk, so please don't shine any lights into the shadows or under the couch of this website It'll hurt my eyes, but please, in all seriousness Its nice to be here.....uhhhh shoot what else do I say......word,word....[i]Awkwardly closes door[/i]