@everyone (LOL) Good thing she hadn't started on those stairs when the Lady of the Manor arrived (all so suddenly, she might add), in a flourish of graceful steps that rippled the surface of her kimono. At her appearance, Reiko's ethereal friend was strangely silent. [i]What's the matter? [/i] There was no response. Reiko V2.0 merely stared at the Lady of the Manor with a cocked head, lips pursed, finger propped beneath her chin. When Madam Mitsuki started handing out the cards, there was a [i]whoosh [/i]and a [i]sizzle [/i]- Reiko V2.0 disappeared. Well, that was odd. But no matter, she was long used to her ghostly companion's temperamental behaviour. Reiko V2.0 came and went as she liked, and she had a feeling that Madam Mitsuki would be no different. With a polite smile that reached all the way to her eyes, concealing the feverish excitement and cheeky thoughts that bubbled just below the surface, Reiko received her card and made a brief curtsy to their host, before turning her attention to the guests. What a. . . [i]glorious [/i]collection of people. Some interactions had went underway, but not all of them pleasant, she observed. [i][color=ed1c24]Ooooh, they are speciaaaal. All of them, I think,[/color][/i] Reiko V2.0 whispered suddenly in her ear. She swatted at her apparition with an annoyed hand, as though it was a pesky, persistent fly. Oops, she hoped no one saw that. [i]I don't appreciate you startling me like that.[/i] [color=ed1c24][i]More importantly, I think kiddo there could use some help.[/i][/color] Reiko V2.0 giggled, stuck her tongue out cheekily and dissipated. "Woah there." Reiko grabbed the boy by the arm and hauled him up before his head could make an unceremonious greeting with the floor. To everyone else present, Reiko offered them a coy smile. "Shall we all move to the dining hall? I suppose Miss Claudia and myself would like to get acquainted with everyone." She winked at her. "Besides, free food is best food, and this kid here could use some."