As soon as he saw her mood, Alenios rose from his seat, his two Blood Guards moving close to him as if they were his shadows. As soon as he got up, he could hear the people around him start to whisper names. Most of the people there whispered his favorite name, the Bloody Count or names like that, however, a few higher ranked dukes outright whispered the name... lapdog... something which he was not a very big fan of. However, he could not start arguing with other dukes here in the courts of Valeria, it make him and Amelia look bad. After a few moments of walking where the entire court had his eyes on him, he reached next to Amelia and stood up next to her. He could feel everyone's eyes watching, some were confused looks, some were looks of respect, however, most were looks of jealousy, everyone there probably thinking at why he was deserving to be so close to her when he was such a low rank. "What is it you wish me to do, my lady?" he asked with a courteous smile before his eyes fell upon the pages detailing the info of the tribes uniting. Part of him felt distress at this as he would have to face a powerful enemy if Amelia sent him to deal with the tribes, but another part of him felt excitement surging through him. So many enemies to kill... so many enemies to capture, a victory would increase his prestige greatly and maybe silence some of the people who judged him. Either way, he only smiled and awaited her commands, he would obey whatever she would command, even if it meant facing death.