Once upon a time, Sol was as helpless as the humans and non-powered alien species living in Metropolis in the year 3000. On the planet Daxam, none of Sol's people had superpowers due to their red sun. When Brainiac Five destroyed the planet, the panic and fear currently in downtown Metropolis could've been multiplied something like one thousand and twenty times on the planet Daxam. Sol was in school when it happened. He could only watch as his entire city burned from natural disasters caused by the robotic armies of Brainiac Five. The transport ship Sol's class tried escaping in was shot down before the members of the Legion stepped in and gave assistance. Several one man pods were ejected, and after witnessing heroes such as Ultra Boy and Mon El in action Sol had wished he could do more. His ship was the only pod to make it's way into the Milky Way Galaxy of sector 2814. Some time after it was reported the Legion fell, Sol discovered his powers while trying to live a life on an alien planet. It was exceptionally difficult for the young man as he had never been around anything other than his fellow Daxamites. Xenophobic by nature, Sol was more accepting than his family and people. He adopted the name Ultra Boy more recently before being approached by Cosmic Boy with a ring two days ago. Now, he's battling these metal plated robots. Ultra Boy landed two basic punches on the same tech squid that was defending the more humanoid robot minion. He bent the steel in his hands gripping the outer shell of the tech squid and flew into the air throwing it back down to the ground below him. [b]Ultra Boy: 15 hp Tech Squid 1: 3 hp [-6 hp from three attacks by Sol][/b] The other tech squid was en route to Ferro Lad and Bolt who were both somewhat in awe at the two rookie heroes before them. Ferro Lad had been in the Legion for awhile, and Bolt was an officer on Ungara. These two kids from Daxam and Xudar were doing a good job and the crowd still around them who could see the battle were cheering this reborn Legion like a football team. Before they realized the other tech squid was on them, Ferro Lad and Bolt were both hit with life draining tendrils. [b]Ferro Lad: 16 hp [took -1 damage from Tech Squid 2] Bolt: 10 hp [took -1 damage from Tech Squid 2] Tech Squid 2: 13 hp[/b] It appeared Momentum was focusing his efforts on the humanoid robot leader of this bunch so Ultra Boy flew down and grabbed Tech Squid 1 by the tendrils. Flying towards Bolt and Ferro Lad, Sol let out a scream... "EVERYBODY SHIELD YOUR EYES!" he screamed before bursting with light in a solar flare. [b]Ultra Boy: 15 hp Tech Squid 1: 0 hp [Ultra Boy's Sig is -4 hp, Squid 1 is DEFEATED] Tech Squid 2: 9 [-4 hp, Ultra Boy's Sig is an area attack and can effect multiple enemies][/b] "You two just gonna stand there?" Ultra Boy asked of his teammates who had yet to get their hands dirty. [@bluetommy2] [@Tengri] [@rocketrobie2] ~KL~