[center][h2][color=red]Bruno[/color][/h2][/center] At Riley's smug sounding remark, Bruno said a mildly annoyed sounding thanks, and then walked back to his seat. If he wanted to go to this party, maybe he'd have to call Uber, but Bruno really did not want to do that. The party probably wouldn't be that good anyway right? Would it be any different to any other parties he had been to, apart from the fact it was a state over? Probably not. But Bruno did quite fancy going, so he would consider his options a little later. He put on his headphones and put on some music to pass the time until they had to go to class. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Some boring classes (maths), some fun and interesting classes (chemistry). Not a lot really stood out as interesting. The thought of the party lingered in Bruno's mind. Maybe it would be a good place to meet some new friends, or maybe meet someone to be more than a friend. Thoughts raced through the Croatian's mind as the day drew to a close, the bell went, and everyone gladly left the school. Bruno knew there was an American football match on, pretty soon, so he decided to head over there. He still didn't really get the sport all that well, but it was pretty fun to watch and to cheer on. Bruno arrived at the bleachers, deep into his music library. The only person who seemed to be here was Riley. He did a small grimace before venturing up onto the seats and sitting down, a good bit away from Riley. [@Apoalo] [center][h2][color=red]Dominik[/color][/h2][/center] Dominik blushed as Davina grabbed his arm and wrote her number on it, before the bell went, signalling the end of homeroom. Dominik left the room, an excited, but nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. Where should he suggest? He didn't want to come on [i]too[/i] weird and romantic, otherwise she might start feeling weird, and leave or something. It had to be somewhere pretty but still nice and calm and not over the top. As he was walking to his first class, his mind was pretty blank in terms of suggestions. The idea came to him while sitting through a boring biology lesson. The park. The city park was quite pretty, he had been there a few times before. It was no Krka National Park, but it was a nice little place. He whipped out his phone, making sure that the teacher couldn't see him, and texted Davina the suggestion. He quickly put his phone back in his pocket as the teacher came around to inspect everyone's work. So that's where he was heading, the park. Hoping that Davina would also be there. No doubt his brother was at the American football game. He really was not a huge fan of the sport. Then again, he wasn't really a fan of any sport. Dominik still had no idea how he was so different to his twin brother. At least Bruno could respect that he wasn't a big talker, unlike some other people at Delbrook. [@A Tattooed Girl]