"It's not impossible..." Toshiko frowned as she looked down the wall. Unfortunately, not enough of the ofuda remained to determine what the spell may have been. Whatever the case was, it looked like quite a few of them had been deployed, up and down the wall... And all but this one had been completely removed. It was a shame, if some others had been left behind they may have been able to piece together exactly what spells were being utilized here. But at the moment, there was no way to be certain what was going on. "... Yuuno-chan, was there anything unusual in the library when your family found out that the barrier had been disrupted there, or do you not know?" Toshiko asked. Perhaps something that happened here had somehow caused the barrier to fail? "... There was some white dust? That's about it," Yuuno said, after some thought, with a shrug. "Since nothing was taken or changed there, we didn't look into it too much!" "Hmmm..." Toshiko turned to face the wall once more. Oddly enough, there seemed to be some... damaged plaster on one of the walls?