[h1][center][color=800000]Jake Saunders[/color][/center] [/h1] Jake continued fighting. Ramming into demons. Bludgeoning. Using his head, he rammed another one off of the ledge. His gauntlets began to burn. Bad. Searing pain. Most oddly, they turned black. Red liquid could be seen flowing through some cracks in them. And then they began to cover his body. Turning into some sort of armor. A black, obsidian-like stone began to cover him from head to toe. It finally finished. He noticed his friends fighting. The transformation of Sabastian was terrifying, he didn't seem himself. Everybody yelling, fighting, and the commotion took him off of that and pointed his direction towards the horde. [center][hider=The armor.] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/runescape2/images/1/10/BoE_Obsidian_armour_artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20121204145631[/img] The one on the FAR left. From runescape. Great game. All credit to Jagex, the company who made it. I reccomend checking it out. [/hider][/center] Slowly, he faded out of consciousness. His body was fighting but his soul was elsewhere. [i][b]"Acedia. You have made a terrible mistake. Thank you,"[/b][/i] A voice said as Jake heard a guttural laugh. He was in a dark room with nothing else. His body wasn't there, but he could see everything inside of it. [i][b]"I am the protector. I am the general. I am the one who was made to keep the others at bay. We've been IMPRISONED. SHACKLED. MOCKED."[/b][/i] it continued, [i][b]"Lucifer believes that he can forget about us. Pretend that we don't exist. Sending comrades to Earth. We are nothing. This is a new beginning. You are the victim. I am Sloth."[/b][/i] The voice sent chills down his spine. [color=800000]"Sloth? W-who are you? [i][b]WHO ARE YOU!?[/b][/i]"[/color] he said as he regained consciousness. In his new suit of armor, he'd easily destroyed several more while listening to Sloth. Sloth. What an interesting name. And who's acedia? [color=800000][i]Obviously not me,[/i][/color] Jake thought to himself. Just then, the doors at the huge structure in the front began to open. They extended to the top and were made out of stone. A large beast stepped out. It was the height of the building itself. With every step it took the ground shook. More demons began pouring out. [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/doom/images/f/f6/CYBERDEMON.png/revision/latest?cb=20160528023153[/img][/center] [center]Take away the technological parts in your [i]iMaGiNaTiOn[/i][/center] He fought. People were still crying, transforming, and yelling. The beast let out a mighty roar. It took a step forward. [b][i][@FallenTrinity][@Emuxe][@Doc Doctor][@Arkaotic][@DJRaVeS][@Vashonn][/i][/b]