[@Crooked Vixen] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/58/e6/27/58e627c6ac05b031ccd6f218fd74fa17.jpg[/img] His face turns bright at the mention of The Host Club, this wasn't something he had really thought he'd be doing but the prospect of finding friends was his driving force. His right hand reaches up and covers over his mouth as he mutters. [b]"O-oh no, you're not rude! I'm umm.. here to be part of the host club. I believe they dawned me the 'shy type'."[/b] His eyes fall down to the floor as he stares at his feet. Tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, he takes a slow shaky breath. He's never been very good at keeping up conversation.