[@Alisdragon911][@Drai] Knutik heard the crashing of ice and knew it had to belong to the lady that worked here as one of the staff. The guy must've caught her less than prepared for someone to randomly barge into her room, go figure. Knutik watched him open the door again to apologize. Considering the big smug look the guy had on him after he closed it, it was easy to tell this guy was a perverted 'knight in shining armor' who'd most likely save any damsel in distress if it would give him a chance to see their chest. Knutik snaked his way over to the man with a fiendish and perverted grin on his face, after all he too wasn't exactly a saint. [color=82ca9d]"Well aren't you a charmer." [/color] he crooned creeping up on him and draping an arm over the knight's shoulders as if to 'get on his level'. But somebody immediately interrupted [@cloudystar]. [color=00a651]'Where did this guy come from? A futuristic science show?'[/color] he stared at the new stranger with half-lidded eyes.