[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]As Xavier had experienced firsthand, Auz large and by far preferred grappling over striking. Whenever a good chance to get close presented itself, Auz didn't even bother with second thoughts. Instead of letting go of his sword or being forced to endure a little hang time over the blood, Auz held on and jerked himself in towards Xavier. Unless Xavier grounded his feet, he'd be jerked forwards into Auz (both tumbling to a heap on the ground), with the rearrangement of Auz's body resulting in the blood spike instead penetrating the immortal's right leg through the thigh. Painful, debilitating, and probably something that'd make Auz bleed out in a minute. Still... Unless Xavier were able to get away fast enough, he'd probably be reintroduced to Auz's ridiculously lethal daggers, this time with far more speed and power behind each furious thrust than before.[/i]