[@DriveEMOut][@Heap241][@arowne97] [center][h3][color=ed145b]~Claudia[/color][/h3][/center] [color=ed145b]~"Beg your pardon?"~[/color] Claudia spoke rather lowly with a displeased look as she turned to meet the young man who insulted her. The nerve of him. [color=ed145b]~"If you would, my dear boy, please do hold that idle tongue of yours."~[/color] Her voice was calm, serene, as was the cheeky smirk she issued to him, but her words were laden with an underlying hostility. Claudia was many things, but a harlot? Indeed not. So what if she collected lovers like immature schoolboys collected baseball cards or what have you? That was her own business. As far as her beliefs, love was meant to be shared, not cloistered. If that labeled her a harlot, then so be it, but she would not tolerate anyone calling her such in public lieu of all. [center][h3][color=ed1c24]Evelyn[/color][/h3][/center] [color=ed1c24]"Eh, as long as it ain't beef gravy."[/color] Evelyn shrugged. She stretched and yawned upon entering the dining hall. There could not have been a sight more pleasing to the eyes than the cornucopia of delicious foods laid out before them. Such bright, eye catching colors, such delectable smells. Everything you could think of was right there, from mouthwatering smoked meats and cheeses of every variety to fresh fruits and crisp veggies, not to mention a scrumptious assortment of sweets and confectionaries. It was all to pleasing to the eyes and the stomach, and yet....Evelyn didn't have much of an appetite. This was...weird. There were no servers, no staff. Also, where the hell was the weird chick who owned the place? She shuffled over to the table picking a sandwich from the elegant silver platter. She sniffed of it, her eyebrow raising. [color=ed1c24]"Tomato and....avocado? What the fuck?"[/color] Evelyn whispered to herself. There was a pit in her stomach, a nauseous feeling. She scooted over to Aaren, a puzzled and concerned look in her eyes. [color=ed1c24]"Dude...do you think we're in our own version of [i]The Shining[/i]?[/color]