[center][h2][color=#566573][b]colтon ĸrυger[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Outfit] Football jersey, fb pants and cleats [hider=Afterparty Clothes] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/85/6a/e4856a036b81bc40b1e95bc8e8874a9b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] locaтιon: Friend's House - On the way to Delbrook ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Jacob [@smarty0114] - Juliette [@ineffable] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] [quote=Message received from 'Jake']нey вro, вacĸ ғroм vacaтιon. anyтнιng ғυn нappenιng тonιgнт?[/quote] Colton smiled, chuckling a bit that his friend had to ask about any plans for the night. Shaking his head, he sent out a quick text to his friend. [quote=Sent from iPhone]ѕenт тo: jaĸe yoυ already ĸnow, мan. yoυ coмιng ғor тнe gaмe? ιғ noт, ι coυld ѕwιng вy and pιcĸ yoυ υp aғтer. тнe gang ιѕ coмιng along. oғ coυrѕe yoυ geт ѕнoтgυn, тнoυgн. тнey can all ѕιт ιn тнe вacĸ нaнa[/quote] A close friend of Colton's allowed him to stash his dogs at their house for the night, knowing full well that he wouldn't be back till the next morning to pick them back up. Both Colton and his friend knew he could potentially be hammered off his ass by the night's end. Sabrina would be real disappointed in him if she knew, but he didn't tell her of the party he'd be attending that night. He would play it off that he was going to bed early, being too tired from the game. Cat didn't much care for partying, and wished Colton would see how much of a waste of time it was. At least, that's what she thought about it. Colton, on the other hand, loved to party. Especially drink. It was the only thing besides Sabrina that kept his 'inner demons' away at night.. although having Cat to talk to just didn't seem to be enough, these days. It'd been a while since he'd gone out to party, and hard, at that. Which he had every intention of doing tonight. Colton waved farewell to his friend, pulling himself up into his truck and quickly driving off towards school. With the windows rolled down, the sounds of the town were a bit too distracting for him. Tuning his ancient radio, he finally found a station he could agree with. Don't Mind by Kent Jones began to play, forcing a smile on Colton's face as he bobbed his head to the beat and sang along to it. Pulling up to a stop, Colton stopped and stayed stopped when he caught a glimpse of someone walking.. well, dancing down the street. It brought a whole new kind of smile to Colton's face, almost bashful in a way. The girl just happened to be his long-time friend since childhood, [i]Juliette[/i]. [i]'Dance off!'[/i] he thought to himself. Colton flashed a goofy grin as he blindly reached over and turned his music up a bit louder, [url=https://youtu.be/ElKxCvEHITs?t=2m22s]dancing along[/url] in a dorky way to the song as he looked over at the brunette girl. [hr] [hr] [center][h2][color=#3498DB][b]нarley ĸnowleѕ[/b][/color][/h2] [hider=Outfit] Minus the bandana, bracelets, and weapons of course lol [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a4/17/b7/a417b734e7043d32330ee05ed61ff85b.jpg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Delbrook Bathrooms - Football Bleachers ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Riley [@Apoalo] - Roxy [@Filthy Mudblood] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Harley sighed heavily, looking at themselves in the mirror as they tugged the jacket over their thin shoulders. The air tonight had a bit of a bite to it, but it wouldn't be too bad. It'd especially warm up once up in the bleachers surrounded by so many warm bodies. Just as Harley went to pull out their phone to check the time, the device vibrated in their pocket. [b]"Ooh, people love me?"[/b] Harley joked with themselves, feeling too alone to do anything but. Taking their phone from their pockets, Harley clicked the screen to life. [i]Riley[/i]. Of course it was. Harley smiled and typed out a response text. [quote=Message sent from iPhone]ѕenт тo: υм, ι never leғт ѕcнool. ι'll вe rιgнт тнere. wonder ιғ coacн woυld leт мe play :lol[/quote] Swinging their bag up onto their shoulder, Harley exited the women's bathroom from the west wing and made their way towards the field. The outer halls of the school grounds were scattered with people, some Harley knew and some they didn't know. They scanned the area to see if they could find Roxy, but couldn't and shrugged it off. Maybe Roxy was busy taking care of her baby brother. As much of a pain as Roxy could be, sometimes, Harley had a lot of respect for that girl for taking care of her brother so well. Practically like a mom. Well, the way [i]their mom[/i] should be taking care of her and him. Harley let the thoughts fade away as they entered through the middle of the bleachers from the backside, standing there at the foot of them turned to face the half empty/filled seats. It was then that they spotted Riley, smirking as they started on their way over, calling out, [color=#3498DB][b]"Ry!"[/b][/color] [hr] [hr] [Center][h2][b][color=#EC7063]davιna мarιe devereaυх[/color] & [color=#154360]qυιnтen rυмanceĸ[/color][/b][/h2] [hider=Outfit] Minus earings and purse [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b0/79/b9/b079b950fa970129b0299c37a6ec4f25.jpg[/img] [/hider] locaтιon: Rumancek Household ιnтeracтιng wιтн: Aunt - Quinten - Dominik [@KaijuBaragon] Mother - Davina - Caleb [@smarty0114] [img]http://bdbnet.bdb.be/pls/apex/wwv_flow_file_mgr.get_file?p_security_group_id=13992014754095528&p_fname=big_sep1.png[/img][/center] Davina clutched at her lightweight sweater, nervously looking at herself in the mirror as she anxiously, and unnecessarily 'fixed' her hair with her free hand. Tucking a stray group of hairs behind her ear, she stood there judging every inch of herself before a voice rang out from upstairs. Her Aunt Jenny. With a soft sigh, frowning at herself as she turned to flip off the light switch and walk upstairs to join everyone else. First thing Davina saw as she entered the first floor of the home was Phoenix running clumsily after his puppy who stumbled after Seamus who seemed to be trying to escape the two creatures chasing him. Almost on cue, suddenly Vixie was at Davina's feet, brushing her thin foxy frame against her owner's leg with a soft little laugh. Davina half-smiled, talking to her pet fox softly, [color=#EC7063][b]"You have to stay here. You know I'd take you if I could, but I don't think everyone is ready to see a cute little fox walking down the street. I think the neighborhood dogs would get jealous. None of them could compare."[/b][/color] She chuckled softly at the fox who seemed to be turning her charm bar up as high as she could crank it, hoping her owner would break and bring her along instead of leaving her alone again for the day. Davina held the poor girl back while she closed the baby gate to the stairs behind her, leaving her pet behind, even though if the fox tried she could easily clear the gate in one small leap. Davina was so busy saying bye to Vixie that she nearly ran straight into her aunt. [color=#EC7063][b]"Oh, geez. I'm sorry, Jenny."[/b][/color] She held up her hand with a slight grin on her face. It was a smile Davina had not seen her Aunt have before, and it almost had her scared. [i]Why was she smiling like that? Like she kno-[/i] [b]"So, I hear you have a date tonight?"[/b] Mrs. Rumancek asked outright. Davina's face flushed bright red and from behind her aunt, Quinten ducked his head and disappeared into the kitchen from where he came. If eyes could kill, he would have been reduced to a pile of ash by now. Davina turned her gaze back up to her aunt's as a chill ran down her spine, figuring there was no point in trying to lie since Quinten had to go and blab his mouth. [b][color=#EC7063]"Well, technically it's not a date. Yes, I do like him, but um.. we're just friends. Didn't get to hang out over the summer, so we're trying to make up for it.."[/color][/b] She bit down on the inside of her bottom lip, looking up at her aunt with a sort of 'puppy dog' stare as if pleading her not to keep her indoors like a dog. What came next was honestly a shock. [b]"Quinn! Come here."[/b] Without hesitation, he followed his mother's instructions and came to stand right at her side. [color=#154360][b]"Yes, master?"[/b][/color] Mrs. Rumancek tilted her head and stared at him through her brows, as a silent warning, but it immediately softened. [b]"Do me a favor.. drive your cousin to meet up with this... Dominik.. is it? Be sure she gets there safe, kay? It's the least you could do for her since you ratted her out."[/b] She raised a single brow at him and then walked off to tend to her grandson. Quinten stood there sheepishly grinning at his cousin, holding both hands up at his sides as if surrendering. [b][color=#154360]"It honestly slipped. I'm sorry."[/color][/b] A swift punch to his upper arm made him laugh but he still meant his apology, and hoped she believed him. It [i]had[/i] been an accident. Quinn grabbed his jeep keys from off the counter and pulled out his phone when his notification tone went off. [i]Caleb.[/i] The smile Quinten got at the sight of his best friend's name on the phone screen spread from one ear to the other. He quickly sent out a text before running out the front door to catch up with Davina who seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Davina, too, sent out her own text as she hopped into the shotgun seat of the jeep. [quote=Message sent from Android]ѕenт тo: caleв noт υnleѕѕ yoυ wanт тo go. ѕeeмѕ lιĸe everyone ιѕ. ι'м aвoυт тo drop dav oғғ aт тнe parĸ wιтн doмιnιĸ. goт anyтнιng planned, вro?[/quote] [quote=Message sent from Android]ѕenт тo: doмιnιĸ♥ нey doм. ι'м on мy way тo тнe parĸ, вe тнere ѕoon. -davツ[/quote] [hr] [hr]