[@Rusalka] Reiko beamed at a deliciously-tall [i][color=fff200]honey [/color][/i]fountain with eyes that screamed: [i]SO. MUCH. [b]WANT.[/b][/i] To hell with a proper lunch, if desserts were available - of course it should be consumed first. With an enthusiastic gait, she circled around the grand buffet table and began loading her plate with the sugary foodstuffs. When she was done, she eyed her plate with a thoughtful gaze. Hmmm, seems like there was enough on her plate to give her diabetes for a lifetime. Well, no matter. Life was too short to waste on thoughts about death. However, she did notice that the last chocolate eclair she had loaded onto the plate was dancing precariously above two others of its kind. Her eyes scanned the dining hall, and she spotted the voluptuous, curved figure of Claudia. She waved to catch her attention. "Katsumura Reiko," she smiled, before tossing her the eclair on the top of her pile. Welp, she hoped Miss Claudia had good enough of a reflex to catch it - otherwise, perhaps her blossomed chest could catch the eclair for her. Chattering noises arose, a few feet away from her. One sounded particularly cynical. Reiko could guess whose voice it belonged to. [color=ed1c24][i]Ain't she a ray of sunshine?[/i][/color] Reiko V2.0 looked pointedly at the dark-haired, depressing-looking girl who called herself [i]Evelyn[/i]. Reiko's fingers twitched. The Evelyn girl had established herself very early on as a hot-headed, prickly thing, and Reiko wondered what would happen if she tossed an eclair into her direction. Would there be an ensuing firestorm, or a torrent of hell's demons come raining down on her? Either way, if Reiko were to introduce herself to the girl, she guessed that unorthodox methods might be necessary - and exciting. "Hey Evelyn," Reiko called. "Here, have an eclair." With a deft flick of her wrist, she sent an eclair flying into the girl's direction. Reiko hoped that she was good at catch, or there would be no blossomed chest to catch [i]that[/i] eclair for her.