[@cloudystar] [@song book] It was a moments confusion that forced him to think, not with his simplistic raw animal mind but the more intricate and complicated human mind. That digging deep for answers was like a kick start or defibrillator on his human consciousness. Awakening something a lot more troublesome than a wolf. Hit with sudden realisation the wolf reacted. Jerking his head back he smashed into the table which they sat under, sending the empty pitcher and glasses above crashing to the ground. Glass and clay shattering into shards splintering about across the taverns wooden floor. The wolf continued reeling, crashing and stumbling about as it fought with itself. Slowly and somewhat grotesquely its form changing into something else while its fur recedes. It was nowhere as elegant as the cats transformation. This, like the creature, was monstrous. Nearing the end of the commotion, a healthy fit adult man took the place of the wolf. He seemed tall, even though crouched over. Body fit and muscular, tainted by sweat, scars and tattoos. A smear of blood stained the space between his ribs and abs where three faint gashes remained but slowly visibly healed. No doubt he was a lycan and naked. Without a moments pause or hesitation he upended a nearby box and gave it a hefty shake, sending an array of tools and devices clattering to the glass ridden floor. With an ease he tore it into two and used the halves to regain some semblance of modesty. He had no shame about his attire (nor a reason to) but knew better of what a child should see. "[b][color=9e0b0f]Sorry kid, people be wanting rooms and there's drinks to pour, I gotta get back to work now the fun's over. You want a place to sleep and some warm food, help me out. You can start by tidying this mess up.[/color][/b]" He says, an air of nonchalance in his voice. Casually he begins strolling towards the stairs and his room as though nothing is wrong, whistling a broken tune along the way. He pauses as he passes Kira [@Nightingale95] at the bar. "[b][color=9e0b0f]Back in a minute doll, till then.[/color][/b]" Placing one half of the shredded box atop the bar he leans over, reaching up to the top shelf, he digs around before pulling down a brown unmarked bottle. Placing it down before the woman with a firm thud, the liquid within sloshes about. Satisfied, he picks up his modesty box and continues to his room. His broken tune, an imitation of that haunting song that had been sung throughout the tavern only hours ago.