[center][img]http://umad.com/img/2015/4/barbara-palvin-dancing-gif-38-49-hd-wallpapers.jpg[/img][h1][color=hotpink]Juliette Rivers[/color][/h1][/center][hr][@A Tattooed Girl] Juliette was so involved in her dancing that when she heard the screech of tires as a car parked nearby and a few notes from the radio she paid it no heed. Her body moved along with the music as she travelled down the pavement. A pause in the music as it came to stop at it's rewind made her look to the side. There was someone dancing along to his own music, dorky moves at their finest. Colton. She tapped at her IPod to stop it and unplugged her earphones. [color=hotpink]"Hey."[/color]She says, stopping next to him (or more specifically his car) [color=hotpink]"And by the way, you won the dance contest, those were the cutest moves I've ever saw."[/color] Juliette smiles at Colton. They used to be in a lot of each other's classes but never really talked that much. He was one of her friends and was nice enough, plus the undeniable fact that he was quite hot. Both in a bad boy and a unique, dorkyish way.