[color=00aeef][b][ Planetfall | Nyx - Hangar Bay 2 | Loading onto R207-Beast Command Vehicle ][/b][/color] Twinges of a tension headache were felt creeping up the nerves in the back of his neck, and considering the chain of events that had occurred over the last twenty-four hours, Gavon was more than surprised that his brain hadn’t gone supernova. That with the mixture of ship exhaust permeating through the busy hangar left him with a slight uneasiness. On top of the myriad of affairs transpiring aboard the distant Ark, he’d recently been informed of a suspected stowaway on the Nyx found near the [i]Robotics[/i] department who was then identified as [b]Mackenzie Leanne Newton[/b], the Technician assigned to complete diagnostics on all droids aboard the reaper-class ship. And yet, the girl had inadvertently found herself locked away in one of the supply closets with a nasty cut across her forehead from spare parts that had dislodged from an overhead bin. With Newton’s credentials scanned and confirmed, she was cleared with Security and sent to the medbay first before proceeding, as her expertise would be invaluable no doubt, especially with the implementation of droid units in the field. However, due to time constraints, she would need to be quickly fitted for a bio-suit and briefed on current assignments, which included accompanying the [b]Science Assistant[/b] known as “Michael”. The Chief’s communicator lit up with several messages from SecCom since his departure from the Vitae, yet listening in on them proved to be futile by the massive static that scrambled most of what was being said, likely due to the electromagnetic interference on the new planet. Fortunately, Deputy Haas knew well enough to follow up with a coded transcribed version of the audio file that Gavon was able to pull up on his datapad with only minor indecipherable fragments. [i][color=00aeef][b]< / :: / encrypted transmission start / :: / > [ sender: Dep. CoS Jerrol Haas ] [ recipient: CoS Gavon TreVayne ] [/b] Chief, just a quick recap. As you know, the cybo-g known as Chizuru "Iron" Yama-uchi is being rel-ased from custody based on the incessant litigations SFC Calhound has kicked up. Any a-dio/video interr-gation records are being archived but are no longer a viable means of evid-nce for fu-ther prosecutions. Warden Harrison is s-eing to the release and, per yo-r instructions, has requested the cyborg be put under constant supervision as well as maintain t-mp-rary quarters near the Hub until full psyche evals are completed and given a gre-nlight. At that point, I as-ume you will make a decision as to whether or not she will be ac-epted into the Sec Agent train-ng program…? On a personal note, as I know it echoes many other’s thoughts as well, it blows my mind why SFC Calhound failed to show more restraint in his legal tirade in light of our current war-time situation and the possibility of enemy infiltration, realising that “civil rights” is the least of our concerns when an alien entity wants the entirety of the human race eradicated… [b]< / :: / encrypted transmission end / :: / >[/b] [/color][/i] Clearing out the message on the screen and shutting it down, he shook his head in disgust at the whole ordeal and -more importantly- the matter of public safety, as SFC Calhound made it clear he wasn’t about to compromise. But regardless of an Engineering Chiefs skewed perception, the cyborg was still considered hostile until proven otherwise. He also knew that it would be a hard sell to the current Sec Agents, and doubted that a cyborg would be quickly welcomed into their ranks with open arms. With his thoughts preoccupied, Gavon quickly found himself fiddling with the environmental suit’s oxygen tank, ensuring the intake hose couplings on the helmet were secured per instructions outlined at the earlier equipment briefing. “You doing okay Chief TreVayne?” Captain Eccleson had just circled around following equipment checks and prepping her squads for deployment and recon assignments, when she noticed the difficulty her counterpart was having with the helmet connectors. “Let me help you with that.” She said, putting her own helmet aside for the moment to free both hands. “No, it's okay I'm fine-” Gavons protests were cut short by the Captains armored gloves quickly taking hold of his helmet and the valves in question. “These things are a bitch unless you know how to handle them.” She said with a half-smile, twisting the coupling in place until a [i]click [/i] was heard. “Besides, I’d hate to see you suffocate to death on our first mission together.” Eccleson placed the helmet over the Chief’s head and latched it into place before the oxygen system initiated and pumped the artificial air through the helmet's internal vents. “Take a few deep breaths to ensure airflow is adequate.” The Chief did as instructed, meanwhile Captain Eccleson caught a quick glance of Amara Locke, who was busy prepping field supplies and small medi droids for the mission ahead, near the cargo bay of the [i]R207 Beast[/i] and slight hiss slipped from the Captain’s lips at the sight of the girl before returning attention to the man in front of her. “You know she wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the fact that she was the Admiral’s kid.” Eccleson said flatly. “Amara?” The Chief responded through his helms external annunciator unit, making his voice sound somewhat tinny, before removing the helmet and placing it on the crate nearby. “From what I understand, she’s taken a lot of shit for that over the years and yet it hasn’t kept her from becoming a great medic on and off the field. And frankly that’s good enough for me...” Eccleson gave him a look as though she were slightly taken aback by the fact that he didn’t share her sentiments on the matter. “In any case, Captain.” He continued. “Thank you for the help, I owe you one.” Eccleson raised an eyebrow at the Chief’s last comment and smirked. “Well that's a debt I won't mind collecting when the time comes.” She said with a mocking wink and a quick pat on the shoulder before picking up her own helmet and heading toward the steps leading into the huge Command Vehicle that will be their mode of travel and survey during the ground mission. “You heading out on foot to check the sites, Chief?” She said, turning to look over her shoulder. “Negative, we're not here on holiday, Captain.” He said, lifting the ARX-59 semi-automatic rifle he’d acquired as part of the standard issue armaments for the away mission, a weapon he’d become familiar with even before his time on the Ark, and simply gripping the light-framed rifle brought with it a memory flash of a dark past he’d rather forget. Sliding the magazine out of it’s place, he did a quick ammo check before returning it into position, and making his way into the R207-Beast behind Eccleson. Both headed through the narrow entry corridor and up toward the front navigation section, passing several soldiers on the way as they too prepared for the trip. The Beast’s internal structure seemed as solid and rigid as it’s external, and the RF’s Engineering teams pulled no stops when they equipped it with the latest all-terrain navigation and survey technology, which would allow for expanded exploration even in hard-to-reach places. “Alright, Delta and Theta Squads have been deployed in R52-Shriek hoverbikes.” Eccleson said, pointing at a holo-map of the immediate area, with continuous updates pouring in. “With pilots [b]Hawkins[/b] & [b]Atkov[/b] taking point and setting up a wide enough perimeter to secure for our foot soldiers. Although hopefully we won’t need these bio-suits, but who the hell really knows what’s lurking on this planet?” Gavon nodded in agreement while checking out the remaining roster. “We have a few more people ready to board soon before departure: K. Anderson, A. Locke, M. Newton, and I believe the science assistant, Michael, who is currently outside of the ship doing his own ‘sight seeing’ “. He said with a slight grin at the Captain’s expense. “We’ll give them another five minutes or so to check in.”