[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]Perhaps had Xavier pushed the sword out rather than pulled, Auz might have been killed. The opposite would only hasten Auz's escape. Auz wasn't trying to gain footing, he only desired to get close to Xavier. What Xavier had done was give Auz a way to kill his inertia to keep from entirely jumping over the blood to begin with. It was like a tether restraining Auz from going further out, and whereupon his thigh might have been skewered, now only a knee would be in trouble. Xavier had thought that Auz wanted to drag him along for the ride. Auz actually had intended to use Xavier's own intent against him to slow down. He hadn't taken that last jump yet, after all. Auz's body would be horizontal if all went according to plan, legs splayed out behind him, blood spike holding one in place. He'd take his left hand off the sword, grabbing for a dagger... [/i]