Here's my character. Not exactly the most likable guy around but hey. Let me know if there's anything that needs changed. [hider=] [center][h3]Cyril Tabard / Male / 28[/h3][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Lanky and sickly pale, Cyril has a generally unpleasant look to him. His features are vaguely rat like with sharp, dark eyes and scraggly dark hair. His movements are quick and snakelike, and he is prone to toothy grins. [b]Image: [/b](you can ignore the outfit and such, this is just a reference for the face) [hider=] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Slippery, slimy, and not particularly strong, ever since Cyril was young he learned that underhanded methods were the best way to get what he wanted. It is rare for him to feel even a shred of loyalty towards others, and will not hesitate to betray people when a better opportunity arises. He expects other people to feel the same way, and never bothers to place trust in anyone – preferring to stab them in the back before they can stab him. Cyril is proud of his skills and abilities, often to the point of cockiness, and has the ability to adapt to most any situation. Despite being generally disliked, Cyril hates to be alone and would much rather be among people who hate him than have nobody around at all. [b]Background:[/b] Cyril was born in a former major city when his mother was hiding. The pregnancy and childbirth in such a toxic zone had adverse effects on both mother and child, and Cyril was born with an illness that would follow him his whole life, even after the two moved to a less poisonous area. His mother was a criminal, a petty one, and he knew nothing of his father. As Cyril grew up, his mother grew more and more sick, to the point that she could barely function, and the lowlifes that she had worked with soon enough turned to him when she inevitably passed away. Starting from a young age, Cyril assisted in many burglaries – at first simply playing the role of a lost child to distract witnesses and guards, and eventually moving on to his own robberies. He never had much wealth and was always considered to be on the bottom rung of society – skulking through alleys, despised by all. Cyril grew resentful – always seething at the lack of respect that was shown to him. His bitterness towards everyone above him, particularly the rich, motivated him to commit more severe crimes with no guilt whatsoever, feeling like he was giving them what they had coming to them. [b]Motivation:[/b] Respect and glory. Cyril is aware that his illness means that he most likely will not live for many more years, and he refuses to die being considered nothing more than a lowlife. If he could return with treasures aplenty, he would be adored by the people in his town that previously looked at him with disgust. [b]Equipment: [/b][list][*]A small but lethal [b]dagger [/b]he keeps concealed. Cyril usually prefers not to kill – leaving that to the others – but won’t hesitate if there is no other option. Occasionally, he will coat it in poison. [*]A small tin filled with [b]lockpicks[/b] [*]A [b]compass[/b] [*]An old, dented [b]pocketwatch [/b]his mother gave to him [*]Light [b]leather armor[/b]. He’s not particularly used to wearing armor, but chose to find some before embarking on the journey. It doesn’t protect against much, but it’s still an extra layer, and it allows him to move in silence.[/list] [b]Traits: [/b][list][*][color=00a651]Agile +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Quiet +2[/color] [*][color=00a651]Burglar +2[/color] [*][color=00a651]Theatric +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Sprinter +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Grappler +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Light sleeper +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Basic weapons +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Light armor +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Observant +1[/color] [*][color=00a651]Medic +2[/color] [*][color=ed1c24]Untrustworthy -3[/color] [*][color=ed1c24]Sickly -2[/color] [*][color=ed1c24]Ugly -1[/color] [*][color=ed1c24]Weak -1[/color] [/list] [/hider]