[hider=Kai Funches] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161202/934a670ca68457af26503ac46f3cd077.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]http://cdn.stylisheve.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Black-Mens-Hairstyles-2012_161.jpg[/img][/center] [color=gray]Character name:[/color] Kai Funches [color=gray]Age:[/color] 26 [color=gray]Height/Weight:[/color] 5'11/ 175 lbs [color=gray]Personality:[/color] Usually quite friendly and talkative but can be a bit quiet and unintentionally sneaky. Kai can get along with many people but his silent sneak ups and surprise appearance gets him nearly attacked and yelled at. His a curious individual so he has a bad habit on spying on others. [color=gray]History:[/color] Kai grew up in the slums where he had to nearly hustle for everything he needed. He lost his father to a drug deal gone wrong and his mother from overdose but his 2 older brothers took care of him until they deserted him and left him with a loan shark to raise him. Through the tough raising and training Kai went through, he became a debt collector for the loan shark, "Retrieval expert"(thief), and underground fighter. Working in the professions he was in, it at times required Kai to travel when he incidentally ran into the military who were escorting people to the bunkers, adding him with the group so to survive the asteroid collision. After the passing of that event and he along with many others were able to leave, he was one of the ones that got sick for several days where his body was adjusting to the cell change in his body, allowing him to gain a power that activate from getting chased by a feral bunch and nearly falling to his death from jumping one building to the next but unfortunately didn't jump far enough and collided with the side of the building and noticed he was sticking to the wall. from there....the rest is going to be history. [color=gray]Skills:[/color] skilled in Capoeira and infiltration [color=gray]Power:[/color] Gravity Defiance [color=gray]Abilities:[/color] Capable of floor tilting (stick to the ceiling or walk on the ceiling.), super leap (can jump several yards to half a mile with effort), wall crawling and running, water walking, self levitation. [color=gray]Weakness:[/color] Tends to get dizzy and light headed from constant usage for a long period of time, especially in levitation. [/hider] [hider=Nina Nunes] [center][img]https://d1bv4heaa2n05k.cloudfront.net/posts%2F6sXJfrv9KnxNGj495%2F1446131689123-3shutterstock_207021079small.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=yellow][h1][i][b]Nina Nunes[/b][/i][/h1] [/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=yellow][i][b]Age:[/b][/i][/color] 27 [color=yellow][i][b]Height/Weight:[/b][/i][/color] 5'6 [color=yellow][i][b]Personality:[/b][/i][/color] [indent]Kind, bubbly, and loving. Nina cares for life itself. She's self sacrificing if it meant helping others to benefit. She's a little flirtacious as well. Nothing upsets her more than bullying and seeing people she care for, get hurt.[/indent] [color=yellow][i][b]History:[/b][/i][/color] [indent]She was usually the quiet one in school and pretty much throughout her youth as she at times was to herself. She always wanted to help people and animals and by the time she got out of high school, she wanted to become a Biologist. She went to school for a few years and started her internship not too long ago. Around this time was went the asteriod threatened the life on earth, bringing a halt to her goal and at that time, lost her parents and 3 sisters. SHe lost her family but since being in the bunker, she found a place with the people she's gotten to know in the past year.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=yellow][i][b]Skills[/b][/i]:[/color] [indent]adept medical knowledge, cooking, skilled scavenger[/indent] [color=yellow][i][b]Power:[/b][/i][/color] [indent]Plant Manipulation[/indent] [color=yellow][i][b]Abilities:[/b][/i][/color] [indent]Allows the user to manipulate the growth of any plant life and manipulate the movements of the plant life as well. The user can cause even seeds to sprout and use plants (flowers, vines, and leaves) to attack with. This allows her to enhance the plant she's manipulating. The user can user botanical communication and plant empathy. She has the potential to bring about vegetation.[/indent] [color=yellow][i][b]Weakness:[/b][/i][/color] [indent]There has to be a form of plant life within a 20-25 ft. radius in order for her to control it. No plants, no power. Being that she has plant empathy, if a plant that she's controlling and pretty much have connected with gets damaged, she feels the damage too mentally which could cause her to break down crying, mentally worn, and panicked despite her not taking any physical damage herself. Rage can come about when a plant she's manipulating gets destroyed.[/indent] [color=yellow][i][b]Extra or Miscellaneous information [/b][/i][/color] [indent]Can't fight and only ever had one date in her life and it was a disaster.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Wesa Freecloud] [center][img]http://www.longhairguys.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/A-photograph-of-a-native-American-guy-with-very-long-wavy-hair-posing-for-the-camera-as-he-wears-a-beanie-during-a-photoshoot-at-our-barbershop.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [i][h1][color=chocolate]Wesa Freecloud[/color][/h1][/i][/center] [color=chocolate]Age:[/color] 31 [color=chocolate]Height/Weight:[/color] 6'1 / 185 [color=chocolate]Personality:[/color] Free spirited, calm, cool, collected. Detached and without fear of the unknown. [color=chocolate]History:[/color] WIP [color=chocolate]Skills:[/color] Wilderness survival. Practitioner of herbal medicines, scavenger. [color=chocolate]Power:[/color] Super human senses. [color=chocolate]Abilities:[/color] Wesa has heightened 5 senses: Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Sight- allowing to see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color. Hearing- Can hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even frequencies outside normal range. Users ears can pick up every single sound, can decipher layer upon layer of differing sounds/conversations, and locate the source of noise. Smell- Can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track targets with nothing but their nose. Taste- Allowing to sense both harmful and beneficial things through taste. can also taste the chemicals in the air as opposed to using his mouth to making physical contact with something in order to sense said harmful and beneficial things. Touch- User may be able to sense vibrations through solid substances, liquids or even the air-pressure changes. [color=chocolate]Weakness:[/color] Sight- When used too much, the eye can strain and possibly cause temporary blindness Hearing- Ears can be too sensitive and have a hard time turning off all the sound causing a headache. Depending on the sound and sensitivity, the user can become temporarily deaf. Smell- With the nose being very sensitive, if a smell is way too strong, it can cause the user to feel nauseous if he's not controlling his ability right. Taste- Depending on what he tastes, he could lose feeling in his tongue or lose taste temporarily or will lose taste in certain flavors. Touch- If not used sparingly, the sensitivity of his skin could be so great that he could feel pain or irritation from the slightest breeze of even if a fly landed on his skin. [color=chocolate]Extra or Miscellaneous information:[/color] TBA [/hider]