[@Kyrisse] [center][h1][color=0054a6] Shade[/color] and [color=f6989d]Casey[/color] [/h1][/center] Shade's laughter rang out when he felt Claudia kick him, [color=0054a6]"HEY!"[/color] He shouted in surprised laughter like a kid. Casey smiled and turned her head and chuckled at Caius' expression of distaste at the thought of his sister and lingerie in the same sentence. Casey smiled at Darric and let his hand slide out of hers gently as he went after Caius. [color=0054a6]"Okay let's get out of here."[/color] A little later at the mall Casey and Claudia were shopping and Shade looked utterly lost. Looking at the different sizes of everything was confusing him to no end. Casey happened to look up and see the most baffled look on his face. Realizing he was truly outside his realm of knowledge on this one she stepped over to help. [color=f6989d]"Okay first what size is she?"[/color] [color=0054a6]"How could you tell? None of the sizing is consistent in women's clothes!"[/color] He looked at Casey and cocked his head slightly. [color=0054a6]"She is almost your size exactly."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Ok so what was she wearing when you saw her last - better question....why isn't she here doing her own shopping?"[/color] Shade didn't want to answer that question. The fact that she had asked it made him worry. Shade took her hand in his and pulled her to the side of the store and told her very quietly. [color=0054a6]"Alex was put in a position to save a girl's life by turning her, if he didn't she would have died."[/color] He watched her expression. This information alarmed Casey and she had a million questions but she knew this wasn't the place. She decided it was more important to get the girl some nice clothes considering all of the changes she was going to be going through. Casey went to the normal socks and underwear aisle and grabbed a couple packages of each. Then she went to the blue jeans and put an armful of her size of her favorite ones in the shopping buggy. Suddenly it dawned on her and she turned. [color=f6989d]"Shade how much money do you have on you?"[/color] [color=0054a6]"At least seven or eight hundred, why? Do you think I need more?"[/color] [color=f6989d]"I think that will be more than enough."[/color] She chuckled at the tone of his voice. She was wrapped up in picking out normal decent clothes for the girl. After doing that she went to check on Claudia's progress. Casey came up and looked at the clothes Claudia was looking at and nodded in approval. [color=f6989d]"Looks like you are doing well over here. Shade told me about Sara. I feel so bad for her and Shade is doing something nice by getting her some clothes. He is paying for your clothes too by the way. Alex can pay him back later. I figure I have about three hundred fifty or so set aside for her clothes. He said he has at least seven hundred sitting in his wallet so get whatever you need."[/color] Casey flashed a smile as she walked over to the lingerie department. [color=f6989d]"I'm going to pick out something for Darric's eyes only."[/color]