[color=9e0b0f] “As your order.”[/color] Vala replied to their leader as the order to settle in the HQ was given. This place was… nice! Vala rarely had been planet side in the past. Usually trips to planets meant ground combat because they were unregistered mercs and frankly no world within the legal bounds of the Imperium was going to allow their ship to land there. That’s why they were forced to stick to illegal stations and simply uninhabited worlds. In the end she found herself a room on the second floor, one that overlooked the backyards of the safe house. Vala didn’t like rooms in the front for the main reason of it haven’t worse view than the one in the back she chose on. Once the room was ‘claimed’ she placed her tool case on the bed, next to it her new and incomplete yet weapon. Next to it on the bed she carefully laid her other arms until on herself she only had her modified las pistol. She was by no way moving anywhere, be it even the safe house, without any weapon. Though with it being a safehouse she took a little bit of time to take off all the armor she had, finally leaving only the suit on before heading to the Living room to see what their orders were. Frankly she hoped the meeting was going to be quickly done and they given up more than enough freetime to spare. She found her room had an actual bathtub! She had never had the chance to take a bath like that. Ships tended to go with the shower for simple efficiency if nothing else.