[hider=Michi] [b]Name:[/b] Michi de Maganza [b]Nickname(Optional):[/b] None [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Michi is not particularly physically prepossessing, standing a diminutive five foot three, and whipcord-lean rather than bulking with muscle. Svelte and trim thanks to the rigours of military life, she still carries the first bloom of youth and vitality. Her face is fine-boned and sharp, with spectacular cheekbones and a pointed, elfin chin - as though generations of good breeding have come to their natural culmination and then progressed slightly further. She is not beautiful in the conventional sense – ‘striking’, instead, might be a better term. Pale-skinned, her Cupid’s bow lips stand out in an otherwise-bloodless aristocratic face, always painted a rich crimson, and her deep-set green eyes burn brightly, quick and darting and missing little. Pale blonde eyebrows arch dramatically, often raised in sardonic question, and her hair is currently a thick and lustrous matching shade – although kept severely in check in military braids, the gold beads which weight each of them gleaming brightly. [b]Clothing:[/b] When not in uniform, itself quite a rare sight, Michi favours darker shades and conservative styles; sweeping formal gowns if the occasion demands it, otherwise carefully-cut blouses, riding breeches and leather shin boots polished to a liquid mirror-shine. Her clothes might be the finest tailoring and from the best couturiers, but they are understated and subtle, drawing the eye with quality rather than ostentation. She is from old money and with an old, old name; posturing and overt displays of wealth are unnecessary, the province of the nouveau riche. That said, however, she has a strong fondness for black opals, wearing them as earrings wherever possible. She also possesses a Maganza signet ring on the little finger of her left hand, etched with the family crest and which she has a habit of playing with when nervous or deep in thought. [b]Personality:[/b] Michi is calm and serious, and can appear as reserved or stand-offish. She often tries to get the measure of people before committing herself further, and her upbringing was heavy on etiquette and light on spontaneity. She enjoys strategy and tactics both on and off the battlefield, and despite knowing that no plan survives contact with the enemy, Michi still takes pleasure in the order inherent in a plan of battle. Michi is a woman of firm opinions, and is not afraid to debate – vigorously – with those who might disagree. The scion of House Maganza, it is perhaps unsurprising that she reflexively defends the institution of the aristocracy and displays a quiet but unwavering loyalty to Crown and Country. Off duty, she is something of a [i]bon vivant[/i], enjoying hunting, riding and the finer things in life; she has a pair of exquisite self-opening shotguns for the express purpose of enjoyment, rather than for self-defence, for example, and is a champion champagne-drinker. She doesn’t use her titles – Marquise of the Reach, Countess Xantal and Viscountess Allansdale – as a general rule whilst on military service; as a soldier, runs her thinking, the military rank must take precedence over social station. Only the most formal of social occasions might persuade her otherwise, and then only temporarily. [b]History:[/b] The scion of laurelled House Maganza, one of the pillars of Priscus, Michi was always destined for at least some time in the military. The Dukes of Arcadia for centuries have sent their heirs and spares into the armed forces, to win glory for the Crown and lands, titles and wealth for themselves, and this tradition continues through to the present day. Where other great houses of Priscus have become lax, preferring high finance for their precious children, House Maganza still sends its own out to get shot at in the name of character-building, instilling discipline and getting into good habits that will serve them well in later life. Whilst her class and coursemates prepared for gap years, sabbaticals and world cruises to ‘find themselves’, Michi was preparing for her own rite of passage; the start of military officer training and its gruelling physical and mental challenges. The Royal College, as it had with many other Maganza graduates down the centuries, refined Michi in its crucible, burning away the dross and leaving a gleaming, newly-minted lieutenant to face the world with a professional smile and smoking gun. In Michi’s particular case, a very large gun indeed; she demonstrated a particular affinity for – and aptitude with – heavy gunnery and the myriad inventive uses for artillery bombardment. By her own admission, she’d much prefer to be parked a long way from the actual fighting and rain down death from afar – hence why her Valkinai is so optimised for long-range engagements. [b][u]Pilot Information[/u][/b] [b]Codename:[/b] Sunray [b]Faction:[/b] UNF [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant [Provisional; I’m not sure how you’re handling this, Musaki] [b]Pilot Rank:[/b] C [Provisional; I’m not sure how you’re handling this, Musaki] [b]Pilot Suit Appearance:[/b] Michi’s suit is, perhaps unsurprisingly, skintight and designed to provide absolute freedom of movement. It is also exceptionally good at wicking sweat and heat away from her, vital for keeping her in tip-top condition in her cramped and often-airless cockpit deep in the heart of the Kaiserin. It is white, in keeping with the current paint job of her Valkinai, with a subtle hexagonal pattern in silver glittering in the light – the exchange surfaces which keep her cool. Her rank flashes remain exactly the same as they do in uniform. [b]Goal:[/b] To serve with honour and distinction, and to take her rightful place as a peer of the realm in the fullness of time. [b] Weapon(s):[/b] TL-8 eight-barrel pistol M&G ‘Ulysses’ shotgun Tora emergency kukri [b]Specialty:[/b] Engineering [b][u]Valkinai Suit Information[/u][/b] [b]Valkinai Suit Name:[/b] Kaiserin [b]Valkinai Appearance:[/b] A hundred and fifty feet tall, the Kaiserin is – according to Michi – a walking ammunitions dump, being mostly filled with high-explosive and incendiary shells, racks of missiles, miles of gas-expander bullets and other means of dealing death and destruction on a grand scale. It uses its great mass and wide-set feet to absorb the shock of its enormous artillery battery firing, becoming a stationary gun platform of frightening power when switching to rapid continuous fire, raining down a hail of shells at long range that few can survive. It is currently mostly a blank white, although a crown and the name [i]Kaiserin[/i] is emblazoned in ornate script across its frontal armour. Its main weapon is the colossal articulated Hellbore battery, capable of going from near-vertical to horizontal fire, depending on requirements; the enormous barrels dominate the Kaiserin’s central core and her profile in general. [b]Valkinai Type:[/b] Large [b]Valkinai Weapon(s): [/b] HF-10 ‘Hellbore’ Articulated Artillery Battery CA-78/C 16-Salvo Missile Array EC-3 ‘Eviscerator’ Gatling-type autocannon [b]Valkinai Specialty:[/b] Long Range Fire Support [b]Special Ability:[/b] Assault Barrage [b]Pilot Stats(Available Points: 10):[/b] Physical: 1 Mental: 5 Heart: 1 Teamwork: 1 Awareness: 2 [b]Valkinai Stats(Available points: 20):[/b] Power: 10 Speed: 1 Durability: 2 Range: 6 Energy: 1 [/hider]