[center][h1]Round 5[/h1][/center] The Boros:Seeing movement become a priority the Boros develop cilia which completely cover the orginisims "body". These can be described as thin hair-like structures. Acting as both rudementry touch sensors and as a means of propulsion. One could think of them as a rowing system. Moving in sync to propel the Boros.(Pop continues to grow at a steady rate!) -nothing unique- The Karn:The Karn go green! Which is to say in order to develop a more advanced way of producing energy. To add to this the Karn begin to fallow the Boros around when the light is weakest and feeding on their scraps. (The Karn are now on par with the average species. And have successfully put evovled all other plant life! Pop stable and growing!) -nothing unique- The Beks:With a turn of fate the Neks develop a weak flagulam, able to propel themselves for short periods of time! Other than this not much has changed. -nothing unique- The Ichorius: The Ichorius now face extinction! Their population is barely scraping by and the next turn will mean certain death. -nothing unique- Paraciliam: Population is slowly declining! 1.When detecting light move towards it. 2.when detecting light move away from it. Acidium Vorax: The population begins to decline! -nothing unique- Preditori:The hunting swarms develop a strong flagulam! Able to propel themselves in frantic bursts! Usually used to blindly charge into prey.