Ashleigh would look over the map good a couple of times before comminting it to memory and pocketing her down payment; then she would finish drinking her tea and looking to John before replying "I'm used to doing for myself by myself. Always have. But this time I think I ought make an exception. I have a feeling this job would go ten times smoother ifanot faster, if'n neither of us had to worry bout the other one upping them or trying to stick a knife in da back, don'chu? Two heads are better than one, and I know the Mojave like the back of my hand; not to mention can hunt, cook and prepare game meat like few others. Would help us keep a low profile by taking back dirt roads folks don't normally travel. As long as its an animal and not an abomination or mutie, I can take it down and cook it. Furthermore, Ol' Khan here will keep us safe. Saved more life a good number o times, the varmint has. What do you say? I'll split is even. Girls scout's honor." She finished making the girl scout salute for good measure.