[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]The problem was, Xavier's footing was solid due to his blood rods, which kept him from being jerked to the ground. Auz had no such thing. It was a one sided tug-of-war in Xavier's favor unless he let himself fall. He could match Auz's tug, but in the end the additional support that kept him standing ruined the shaky physics of trying to keep someone in place by pulling them towards you, which is more practical if they want to go backwards. Xavier absolutely matched the force of Auz's pull. Shame Auz didn't have feet that could stick to the ground, thus ruining the plan. At any rate, one had to wonder why Xavier didn't just make the blood spike jut up at an angle to hit Auz in the biscuit anyways. In the heat of battle, it's easy to make slight judgemental errors in the fraction of a second between attacks. Especially when you don't catch wind of an opponent's plan until they've already started hauling their body right at you. Still, one had to wonder why Xavier didn't just fire his blood spike at an angle. Oh shit, could that happen!? Why'd I say that!? No wait, NOOO![/i]