After having listened to the Inquisitior, Adrianne was giving Maria an angry glare from behind her own mask, all the while answering the Inquisitor. "I'll play nice... " Adrianne answered offhandly, whilst continuing the glare at Maria; a glare that continued all the way down to the planet. [i]"I can't give any promises with regards to her though... "[/i] She privately thought, but did not speak openly. Adrianne would not be the one to throw the first stone, that was for sure. Although with their experience so far considered, that stone had already been cast a long time ago! In her mind, it was no doubt that the obstinate prankster Maria would invariable cause some great shenanigans upon arriving planetside! By all the arcane laws of the universe and the Emperor's own reason, [b]WHY [/b]had an irresponsible little kid like Maria ended up with the powers of pyromancy? It was like giving an Ork an imperial grade plasma weapon and expecting everything to be fine!!! Suffice to say, Adrianne had a [i]bad[/i] feeling about all of this. When they finally arrived planetside however, Adrianne would find her mood lifting high as she saw the planet! Beneath them was a illustrious planet of fine architecture and clean streets! A planet of true culture and refined taste! Finally a location befitting a psyker of true stature like herself! As they finally landed, Adrianne had to hold herself back as to avoid running out of the shuttle like a little girl! Stepping out, she smiled behind her mask. This was FINALLY a planet worth visiting. Not some filthy factory world, decaying hive planet or wasteland backwater planet! No, this was a planet one could actually live on! It did not take long for Adrianne to requisition a servitor from the house and almost drag it back to the shuttle, whereupon she had it unload her own private cargo, which consisted of a massive bag almost twice the size of the servitor itself; causing its internal gears and cogs to almost wheeze as the luggage's weight pressed down on its mechanical vertebra, which was designed to carry even heavy munition and industrial crates! As she entered the safe house, Adrianne's first goal was not her room or the living room however. Instead, she tracked towards her last known location of Vala. Adrianne would encounter the diminutive mercenary walking through one of the corridors towards the living room, arriving from the opposite end herself; with the struggling servitor right behind her. The psyker's own large size, coupled with the gigantic piece of luggage carried by the servitor behind her; effectively served to block the entire corridor for Vala! As she walked up to the smaller mercenary, Adrianne would raise a hand, looking down at the red haired woman. "A word if you will, Mercenary." She said through the mechanical crackling of her mask.