Parum quietly cheered seeing that her Faerie Fire had worked, and best of all it struck the drake in the room! Granted, shocked Parum immensely, but she supposed that it wouldn't be far fetched for a dragon to have lesser dragons under it's command. However while the Drake was certainly a large threat, Parum turned her attention to the only human in the room. he must have been a brigand like the ones in the town, or possibly a cult of the dragon? Parum had heard of people worshiping dragons, even fairly young ones, in hopes of power or baring dragon-hybrid children. Thus Parum aimed her spell at the human, her words laced with vitriol and magic. [color=7ea7d8]"I didn't know it was bring your pets to work day. Show me a trick and play dead!"[/color] After mocking the human, Parum went over to Brannor and Ramando. She wasn't close enough to get to the kobolds they were fighting, mostly sticking close to them in order to have them protect her. Not wanting to just rely on the men to take hits for her, Parum looked to Brannor and gave him a thumbs up. [color=7ea7d8]"You're doing great Brannor! Keep up the attack!"[/color] While a simple encouragement, Parum's words would fill Brannor with strength and conviction for his next action when he needs it (Brannor now has Bardic Inspiration). [hider=Rolls] Vicious Mockery - [url=]4[/url] [/hider]