Wiping dust from the screen of the aged, water-damaged terminal, Basil squinted his eyes in order to read the pixilated, neon green letters that came to life upon activating it. A freezing drop of irradiated water plopped onto his hair and soon after, another splashed onto his nose and slipped down the bridge and onto his lip. The Vault that he and Jace had discovered hours prior was in worse shape than the others that they had explored in recent weeks; many sections had collapsed upon each other, mutated creatures of the Wasteland had made nests in what were once the dormitories, and the Overseer’s office was suspected of being the un-resting place of the last leader of the elusive sanctuary from the fallout above, if the guttural growls and pained groans were any indication whatsoever of the danger that lurked behind the locked door. Jace had suggested searching the other side of the Vault before they simply walked in there; despite Basil’s adamant claims that the Vault’s most important information would be found within the laboratories and the Overseer’s office, he’d eventually given into Jace’s careful ways. If nothing was found here, however, they would most assuredly trace their steps back. [i]Entry 12: 2189 So far, trial tests have resulted in nothing; the cells simply refuse to replicate as they have evidently done prior. We thought that Ashton had made some sort of breakthrough when he decrypted those old research notes, but I’ve come to the conclusion that those scientists became delusional, living on the false hope that their studies had been a success due to understandable stress from radiation poisoning and the inevitable doom that approached them. After all, this Vault was practically designed for the simple purpose of falling apart. I’ll look into it some more, but if nothing comes of this within the next week or two, we’re moving on. We don’t have time to waste on fantasies. But who knows? Ashton’s prone to mistakes when he’s excited; perhaps he decoded everything incorrectly. –Alicia Martin[/i] “This is the only entry that didn’t become encrypted somehow,” Basil said, leaning back in the soggy chair that he had claimed from the desk. He doubted that Jace was interested, but nevertheless, speaking helped him to gather and reflect on his thoughts and newfound information. “However, this is not from the time period in which people resided within this Vault; they were explorers of some sort, much like us, except they came here for some sort of science experiment. It didn’t elaborate too much on what it was, though. It mentioned cells, but that could be any number of things. According to the author of this entry, though, the Vault was built to fall apart; Vault-Tec certainly did have a peculiar way of welcoming guests, hmm? Either they were sick or this is a strong bout of culture shock on our part.” He stood from the chair, and said to Jace as he walked past, “If you happen to find anything that mentions an Alicia or Ashton, please inform me.”