[center][h2]Evaline Summerfall[/h2][/center] Evaline watched closely as the guards ascended the town, the echoes of their steps rumbled through the town in rhythmic unison. She felt the shudder of the sudden stop in footsteps at the base of Galloway. Almost as if to hear the distinguished breathes of each guard, each sharp inhale of exhilaration. Evaline peered closer and touched her hands to the earth, her fingertips catching long blades of grass and loose sand. With the anticipation in her heart she felt the untamed rumble of several steps heading towards them. It felt as though time had slowed and everyone took an inhale in complete synchrony, that this moment had lasted for a short period when the spell was broken by the shrill of a beastman. Evaline knew this shrill, she felt in her bones and the echoes of the screams above the wood panels in her masters house bounced off the walls of her mind. The smell of blood, rush of footsteps and scarlet rain seeping through the floor boards hit her like a thunderbolt. That would happen to all these people, in this town that kept her, gave her a home and an income with the means to learn more about the world outside this small town. She had to do something. Her mind raced with adrenaline and her fingers trembled. She gazed at the scene before her, the guards fighting in all their might, yelling battle cries, the beastmen lunging in an almost satanic, animalistic fury, and four extras who were neither guard nor beastman. "Travelers?" She though to herself recognizing two of the faces as those who had rented rooms in the tavern for the night, one she had never seen before and Bjorn, the regular customer at the tavern. She closed her eyes in a calm and took a smooth breath, relaxing her hands and her body. At this she began muttering some of the deep magic her mother taught her and she then studied after coming to Galloway. Her voice spoke in a language neither human or elvish, she mutter a long flurry of words quickly her voice rose slightly and her hands raised as she did so. In her mind where the faces of the four extras in the mix, the non-beastmen or guards. She continued to mutter until she felt the spell extend away from her like a short surge towards the faces she placed in her mind. She appeared to them internally as a soft voice saying, "Strength and protection in a time of valiant triumph." as though she whispered closely and gently in their ears. With a warm touch to their foreheads like a kiss, she gave them an almost invisible armour and an slight increase in strength. Her eyes opened quickly as a rush of weakness ran through her. "I can't stop now" She mutter to herself. Guards had fallen now, the beastmen were strong but were also finding many had come to their graves. Evaline summoned her strength and stood just behind the group fighting. She closed her eyes again, readied her breath and thought of an incantation. She focused to find all the words. She raised her arms towards the group and began muttering. She spoke quickly and deeply. As her words created the incantation a swirl of wind began to form around her, one that could not be seen but felt so she was still visible within it. She continued to speak, louder now as a glow arose from beneath her feet. Her cape flipped and slapped in the wind behind her, her hair began to float as whisp about. She continued to chant, her voice beginning to roar over the crowd, the wind picking up it's fury. A beastman approached it but was flown aside when trying to enter the silo. The scarf wrapped around her head began to unravel until it flew up into the air, revealing for the first time since she entered the city of her true heritage. She continued her arms now extended up and pointing over the crowd, the glow incasing her body in a bright light accentuating every detail in her face, hair and body. With a final boom of her voice the wind spread through the crowd as a tornado knocking aside only the beastmen, flinging them into buildings and towards the wood surrounding the city while giving a surge of energy to the guards. The beastmen wailed in pain as they crashed into light-posts, buildings, trees and the like. Evaline fell to a knee, "Please be enough to help" She thought to herself as her red hair began draping itself gracefully over her shoulders along with her cloak over her back. Her energy was waning at this point. She went in an almost crawl towards the building on her right to draw support from the beams holding up the roof canopy over the front door. There was a middle aged man peeking out from the doorway, "And all this time you were one of those filth, I can't believe I even drank from a mug you passed me." He hissed at her spitting in her direction. Evaline supported herself along the side of the residence and collapsed against it, her strength almost depleted. She sat with her back to the brick wall behind her, her dagger drawn and at the ready. "Pull yourself together" She told herself, "Find your strength."