Both of Reiko's hands went up in surrender, and she offered the glowering girl a sheepish smile. "I mean no harm, truly. Nice to meet you, Evely-" [i][color=ed1c24]The Lady approaches,[/color][/i] cooed a familiar voice. [i][color=ed1c24]Ooh, how beautiful she is, yes indeed. Lady of Ivory, Lady of Porcelain - fair and delicate, she is, but strong too - her soul.[/color][/i] Feeling a tug in her gut, Reiko cast a backward glance towards the fine dining table, where Lady Mitzuki now sat at the head. A dignified air surrounded her even as she raised each spoonful to her dainty lips. She made the simple affair of nourishing one's body a refined, elegant series of well-calculated movements. Interesting. Reiko wondered if she would have noticed Lady Mitzuki enter the dining hall, if Reiko V2.0 hadn't given her a heads-up. "[i]Sssh[/i], before you start biting my head off," she murmured to Evelyn, before addressing those in her vicinity, "Shall we go over for a little chat? I'd like to find out more about our host."