[@DriveEMOut][@arowne97][@Heap241][@Silverlight138] [center][h3][color=ed145b]~Claudia~[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Evelyn[/color][/h3][/center] Claudia continued to chew her lip nervously as she stood protective over Reiko. She wasn't much of a fighter, save for a bit of fencing practice mostly done out of boredom...and a date with the lovely instructor, but Evelyn, the malice she sensed in those blood red eyes, cold, brutal malice. There was no telling what she would do when she dug those claws into poor little Reiko...or to Claudia for that matter. A wolfish, sharp toothed grin etched its way across the girl's face, Claudia shivering somewhat. She hissed at Reiko, [color=ed1c24]"Let me quote the great Corey Taylor, bitch. I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound!"[/color] What?! Swearing?! How dare she! Claudia intervened, both hands upon the cutie Reiko's slim shoulders as she glared daggers at Evelyn, her tone firm and reprimanding, [color=ed145b]~"My dear goblin, consider yourself lucky I did not decide to backhand those filthy utterances from your mouth! Everyone has a right to speak their own way, darling, but I will not have you spewing such vile verbose around this sweet little girl! Now then, if you've any quarrels or qualms, then by all means relinquish them. Now is not the time for violent retribution, especially for such a petty faux pa as a chocolate eclair to the face, my dear. Now, run along~. Go listen to that [i]wonderful[/i] screaming and wretching you call music and talk about all things dark and scary with your little boy toy."~[/color] Claudia smirked ending her sophisticated yet venomous diatribe towards Evelyn's hot headedness. The girl was completely dumbstruck, her jaw gaping wide as her eyes, a few sporadic blinks as she fumbled her words absolutely flustered, [color=ed1c24]"B-b-b-but he's not...a-and you... UGH! We're gonna have words soon, you hoity toity panty snatcher!"[/color] Evelyn huffed throwing her hands up in frustration and stormed away. [i]Panty snatcher?[/i] Well if Claudia hadn't heard that one in a while, or the other choice words the boy beside her had. A sideways glance, her lips curled into quite the insolent smile as she cooed, [color=ed145b]~"And what stones you cast at me, dear boy. I'm beginning to suspect you [i]and[/i] nature are quite jealous. Call me what you wish, but it will not change anything. A woman needs her pleasures, honey. Mine are just a little more [i]intimate.[/i]"~[/color] Claudia giggled delightfully with a sly wink to the boy. Oh how she was going to love it here. She slipped her hands away from the girl's shoulder, just as everyone's attention was drawn to....the lovely Lady of the Manor, Madam Mitzuki herself. Claudia's face was already burning hot, her cheeks glowing a bright shade of fuschia. She swooned, her crystaline eyes sparkling as she beheld her porcelain maiden. What she would give to feel the touch of that smooth, delicate skin against hers. Her heart swelled with such passion for her, how graceful and dignified she was, calmly sampling her afternoon meal in tiny, delicate morsels. [color=ed145b]~"Ahhh....[i]Ravie de te revoir, ma belle dame.[/i]"~[/color] She whispered in a lustful sigh, a soft, languid look in her shimmering blue eyes. ((Translation: So wonderful to see you again, my lovely lady))