Well, that wasn't exactly expected. It looked scared for a moment, only to stamp on the ground and jump, jump, jump, jump high into the air... via sonic boom. Not too painful to weather, though Deprave figured it'd be a bit worse for ol' Craggy on his back. Still, the demon could apparently summon magic hands too, so that made hitting him a bit harder... still, he was pretty fun. If he got the chance, Deprave was going to violently rape him after pulling his legs off. Breaking him in that manner would be just grand. But for now, it looked like John the knight had things under control. That didn't make it acceptable for him to order Deprave around like he were some servant, but he supposed whatever Old N was doing would be a bit more interesting than just splattering minions everywhere. It sounded like something else had exploded in there, even given that John had just literally attempted to explode the other demon. But of course, once he stepped back into the front room, he had little reason to actually do anything: from the looks of things, N was doing just fine with his impression of a bed frame, or was that a battering ram? Whichever it was, it was hilarious. 'OI, N, YOU RETARD!' Deprave yelled at the creature. 'Either stand up like a smart person, or get out of the way! I want at those buggers!' A cursory examination of the room revealed pretty much just the table legs from when, moments ago, N had flung a table off him and into the guards. Complete with jagged ends. Smirking, Deprave strode over to them, grabbing one in each hand, then raising his arms until they were behind him (heedless of Clog's comfort, mind) before hurling them both end over end toward the guards. If those didn't actually smash holes through them, they'd at least deal a lot of damage to the idiots, and maybe even explode into splinters like... what were they called, fragnades or something? Lotta splinters, lotta damage dealt. Easy every time, as they said.