[center]CLASSIFIED[/center] [i][REDACTED] has come up with a theory that by reversing [REDACTED] particles, we may "time travel". It breaks so many laws of physics that Jon wouldn't let him go through with the project unless he was payed. He and his team won't state results until it's "finished". If we "time travel" then that would break time itself, anyways. The head engineer is barely out of college yet. They're so [REMOVED] insane because of this I don't even think we should rent them the space to complete it. Currently it's nicknamed ReVerse. Seriously, though. What are your thoughts on the matter? [center]Best Regards,[/center] [center]Alexander Ophen.[/center][/i] [center]-------------[/center] Time travel. Man has dreamt about visiting forgotten worlds ever since the dawn of time. It's shown in movies such as [i]Back To The Future[/i]. Out desire to meet lost animals have been viewed in [i]Jurassic Park[/i]. This was widely regarded as impossible until recently. With matter-editing technologies we can bring our dreams to life. Walk amongst the knights. See breathtaking vistas before they were taken over by humankind. Well, nobody really believes in it. They still think it's impossible. Anybody who attempts to even research it gets laughed at and mocked. Nobody's attempted to do it until now. A team of scientific minds has been working on an object for 7 months. it isn't complete yet, but they're about to reveal it to a select group of people. Hopefully nothing goes wrong. [center]-------------[/center] [center]|.:Plot:.|[/center] [hider=plot] Basically, you've either been part of the team working on it or someone who was invited to watch it. However, the machine breaks. It malfunctions. Or it never worked in the first place. With a large explosion, several people die, while a few others gain extraordinary superhuman abilities. You have gained abilities. The explosion has caused most technology to fry. The main part of it is that times have merged together. Previously extinct trees have sprouted. Dinosaurs roam the land. Castles stand from the medieval times. Cities are overgrown with vegetation. Survivors are forming guilds. You'll need to figure out how to reverse everything. Survive. Save the world. Battle. Fight. A few things to know- [b]Anomaly[/b]-A place where physics don't follow. Creatures and beings can mutate at anomalies. The impact site, where you are, is a very mild anomaly and the first one. They seem to appear at random and dangerous beasts lurk around them. [/hider] [hider=Character] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Career: This should explain why you're watching Project Reverse being done. Are you part of the team that works on it? A scientific personality? Researcher? Journalist? Did you sneak into the lab? Personality: Nationality: Ethnicity: Strengths: Weaknesses: Biography: [/hider]