Name: Juna Vexika Nickname: Juna the Seer, The Teller of Tales, Nomaid of the West, Helper of the Weak, The Earths Ambassador Age: (17-24) : 24 1/2 Gender: Female Personailty: She is as calm as the earth itself but also as strong and powerful and wild as the tropical storms and weather that comes at any time. But most of the time she is calm and collected and rarely gets angry. Many would believe she is a angel by her temperament and calmness but actually she is a Half blood of a demon and Vampire. She hides her thist by drinking blood of small animals or animals about to die. She and her dragon have a good bond but its not perfect and often have disagreements about many things in life. History(optional) : shall show in roleplay Kingdom: none she is nomaid Likes: Her dragon Boranus, Her family, Life, Magic,nature, stories and her visions Dislikes: War, Fighting, Bloodshed, Smokers, Electricity, People daring to harm her dragon or herself. Weapons: (if any) : A Venom dagger and throwing daggers laced with demonic fire that can cause deep pain to anything that it touches. Species: Half blood, Vampire and Demon Role: (royalty or peasant) : Noamid from the kingdoms Other: She can get visions from the past or-or things coming. She often tlls tales about them weither or not you belive them is up t you Looks: [img][/img] Dragon: Borarus Dragon's gender: Male Age : 400 Years Old been with the Nomaid for 8 years Dragon's personality: A calm and colected creature that can be lazy and rarely wishes to move. {well with a forest ecosystem on your back would you want to move?!} He is kind and gentle and rarely gets angry. But as soon as you insult or try and hurt his rider he is not afraid to attack you right back. He tends to have a shiness toward strangers and rarely likes to talk to other kingdoms Dragon's power: Nature Call, Can call upon animals and creatures for aid he can't call on other dragons but he can call on other creatures, werewolves, deer, foxes, shapeshifters anything that can her his call. But not everything will answer only those who want to answer will come. Dragon's looks: [img][/img]