[@Ezekiel] With the entirety of Downtown Gotham tearing itself apart and the city looking to be torn apart by the chaos, fire and the gas attack - one might say a hero was needed. That was what Alicia Snow [i]aka[/i] the superhero know as Ice did. On one part, she also used to live near the Downtown Gotham area - as well as that the fire could likely spread further. As such, with the threat of gas in the air - Ice improvised at that, one thing she was good at that. Using a slightly modified paint-mask to prevent from breathing in the toxic gas at that. She flew through the air into the Downtown area at that, using her ice powers to suffocate the fires raging around the area. It wasn't much, but since it was chaos down in the streets - and the fire department likely at worst, days away, it was her task of getting the fires down before they spread and started engulfing the people inside them in flames. She used her powers to boost herself from roof to roof - coating the fire raging inside them with a sheet of ice, suffocating the flames and much more at that. Being dressed in her usual uniform, namely a blue leotard that allowed her maximum skin. Which was the way how her powers operated, in someway that she was still trying to understand how. As the chaos in the streets were getting worse, she took the chance and jumped down - encoating her entire body in a large body of ice. Upon landing on the ground as an ice golem, she quickly started freezing the large gangs and those, whom were causing the most destruction. A little chill here and there, but it wasn't anything harmful at that, just enough to stop then until the police got the area under control. It was a good thing that ice was both tough, and insulating - since the chaos on the streets was, for a lack of a better word - a chaos.