[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254740765979312129/254741062428393472/don-qixote.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3R5vYYi.png?2[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=silver] 𝕄𝕒𝕪 𝟛, 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟝 / / 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖, 𝕎𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕥𝕠𝕟 / / 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 / / 𝟙𝟙𝟝𝟚[/color][/center][hr] [color=f7976a]"We're baack!"[/color] Donovan chirped as he entered the warehouse. Internally, he cringed at his overly peppy tone. Was it too obvious? The three of them entered the makeshift base with all three duffel bags and the stupidly hefty hairdressing set in tow. To say the arrivals looked disheveled would be an understatement. Vanessa's hair had gone frizzy again after using her powers, while Seiji was still picking wood splinters and bits of crusted blood from his jacket. Donovan himself had a crude patchwork of bandaids plastering his cheek, with some blood still lingering on the tips of his fingers. The kids went over to the other members to sort through their latest haul while Donovan walked to Whiz and Nico's little area. Whisper was busy piling some more stolen blankets onto Nico, who was wheezing his way through another coughing fit. [color=f7976a]"Plenty of medicine for you,"[/color] Donovan smiled as he handed packet after packet of tablets to Whisper. He'd made sure to wear something with deep pockets just for this occasion. Whisper took the packets, then pointed to Donovan's cheek, concern on his face. Nico, seeing the gesture and the worried expression, struggled out from beneath the blankets, sitting up to look at Donovan. His eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and anger when he took in the state of all three arrivals. [color=f7976a]"You're hurt,"[/color] he looked at Donovan's face like the world was ending. Whisper walked over to where Garrett was sleeping on a stack of three moth-eaten mattresses and shook their healer awake, pointing towards Donovan. A mumbling groan from the tall, toned man signaled his return from sleep and he cast an exasperated glance at the ginger-haired Aussie. [color=f7976a]"This is what you interrupted my beauty sleep for?"[/color] he sighed, shooing Whisper away from his 'bed' so he could sit up and tend to Donovan's wounds. [color=f7976a]"Over here, big boy, into my lap."[/color] He patted his muscular thighs for emphasis, wearing nothing but a leather vest and leather booty shorts. The younger man's eyes widened in fear. [color=f7976a]"Fuck the hell off, Garrett,"[/color] Donovan said nervously, desperately racking his brains for a way to deter their resident medic, [color=f7976a]"Uh, I got you some stuff! Orange bag. You too, Whisper, you asshat."[/color] [color=f7976a]"You're hurt,"[/color] Nico repeated, harder this time. [color=f7976a]"You heard the man, big boy,"[/color] Garrett patted his lap again. Donovan sent Nico a pleading look. [color=f7976a]"Please don't make me..."[/color] he begged. Nico returned a scathing glare. Garrett examined his nails in the meantime. With a reluctant nod, Donovan trudged over to the leather bound man. [color=f7976a]"I'm not touching your goddamn lap. Make it quick, okay?"[/color] he muttered. [color=f7976a]"It's like everyone thinks I have cooties or something! What is this, fifth grade?"[/color] Garrett rolled his eyes and stood up, peeling off the Band-Aids on Donovan's face to reveal a throbbing, red gash. As Donovan cringed, Garrett licked the wound repeatedly, taking his sweet time with the process. By the fourth lick, the wound was completely gone, light smears of blood and Garrett's saliva the only indicators that a wound had been there at all. [color=f7976a]"I need to deal with the others, too?"[/color] Donovan jumped away from the healer as soon as the ordeal was finished. [color=f7976a]"Nope, nope! All good here!"[/color] [color=f7976a]"I meant Seiji and Vanessa, sweet thing, unless you want me taking even more care of you?"[/color] Garrett raised an eyebrow at Donovan coquettishly, sitting back down on the mattresses. Donovan winced at the gesture, but felt a mischievous smirk creep up at the mention of his companions. [color=f7976a]"I think Seiji got a bit of a cut too. On his ribs. You see how dirty his jacket is?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"No, I fucking don't!"[/color] Seiji shouted back, running out of the room. Donovan cackled at the boy's panic and turned back to Garrett, having seemingly recovered from his earlier distress. [color=f7976a]"I was serious about the stuff, you know. I think you'll like what we found."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Honey, don't think I don't notice how far you go to make us all happy,"[/color] Garrett leaned back on his hands, crossing his legs as he spoke, [color=f7976a]"but you might want to be careful about risking your life for beauty products."[/color] He raised an eyebrow at something behind Donovan. That something was Nico, glaring daggers at Donovan. [color=f7976a]"What happened?"[/color] he asked quietly. Calmly. Despite the cold thickening his voice with congestion. Donovan hated it when Nico talked like this. [color=f7976a]"Just had a little run-in is all,"[/color] Donovan tried to act nonchalant, [color=f7976a]"Seiji and Vanessa got rid of the bad guys in a snap."[/color] 'Little run-in' wasn't the most accurate term for it. It was supposed to be quick and easy. And it was, at the start at least. The day had begun with Donovan grabbing the two newbies and announcing that he was going to have some 'bonding time' with them. At the sudden outburst, Nico's expression melded into a curious mixture of exasperation, amusement, and fear. [color=f7976a]"Come back safely,"[/color] Nico had managed to cough out through his cold as Whisper tended to him. Donovan had whooped as he left their makeshift base, dragging the whining kids along with him. [color=f7976a]"It was supposed to just be a quick grab. How did you guys even get into a fight? Why did you stay long enough for that?"[/color] Nico's voice hadn't budged a notch from its calm cadence. But his breathing was a bit harsher. A quick bout of coughing broke the stillness of his demeanor, but he recovered, refusing the bottle of cold medication Whisper offered tentatively to him. Donovan checked his Rolex watch, stolen of course. Noon already? Bloody local law enforcement holding them up for so long. Why did they give a crap whether or not some rich prick's house got trashed? Wasn't that the point of being rich in the first place, to be able to replace trashable stuff? It really shouldn't have taken so long. Today's heist had the quickest entry Donovan had ever performed. With just an index finger Vanessa had melted the door lock within seconds. A completely silent and discreet break-in, save for the noticeable brick-sized hole in the door. Then Seiji had to go and have his creepy-ass pet Maaya bust through the wall. [color=f7976a]"It was a big place, okay?"[/color] Donovan snatched the bottle from Whisper with the intention to force feed Nico with it. He continued through grit teeth, trying to wrench the bottle open, [color=f7976a]"There was a lot of stuff to grab. Stuff that everyone is really enjoying, I should add."[/color] He made a quick nodding gesture at the group behind him. Jon was silently flipping through the magazines and graphic novels while Erica, Rhian, and Cece fawned over the expensive makeup and clothing. Seiji was already sitting crosslegged in the corner, playing his new games after he had snuck back in once Garrett was no longer focused on licking people. [color=f7976a]"You should've seen the place, Nico. This is the biggest haul we've gotten since... since ever!"[/color] He wasn't exaggerating there. Yarn for Nico, laptop for Whisper. Seiji's dumb games. Books for Jon. Thermos stuffed with fancy teabags for Rhian. Top brand cosmetics and clothing for all of them, but mostly Erica and Garrett. A big-ass hairdressing set for Cece. It really was the best haul he'd ever made. Simple, material goods to distract their group from the shittiness life threw at the team. It was the simple things that did the trick. He remembered not caring how many red lights he ran. He wasn't going to waste any time seeing everyone's smiles when he returned. [color=f7976a]"What's the point of any of that if you're not safe?"[/color] Nico answered after a period of silence. His voice broke a little on the last word and it was clear what was on his mind. Despite Nico's genuine concern, Donovan scoffed. [color=f7976a]"Safe?"[/color] Donovan laughed incredulously as if Nico had just announced that he did a fifty metre sprint, [color=f7976a]"Have you been paying attention at all recently? We're [i]criminals[/i], Nico! What part of any of this is safe?"[/color] [color=f7976a]"The part where you don't risk your life for a box of makeup!"[/color] Nico shouted back, finally unable to hold it in anymore. [color=f7976a]"The part where we run if there's any danger! The part where I'd rather sleep on the ground in the middle of nowhere than locked up somewhere for them to kill us one by one! Donovan--"[/color] he coughed again as the exertion of shouting irritated his sore throat [color=f7976a]"--you matter more than this."[/color] He gestured weakly to the stuff in everyone's hands. The rest of the group was busying themselves with the items, intentionally not stepping into the argument. Even Whisper was standing by quietly, making no move to interfere. Donovan finally managed to force the bottle open and hand it to Nico. [color=f7976a]"The team matters too,"[/color] he countered angrily, [color=f7976a]"I know how to pick my battles. I know I was careless today but it won't happen again."[/color] Nico took the bottle like a peace offering, holding it in his hand instead of taking any pills from it. [color=f7976a]"I don't think I'd be able to stand it if you hadn't come back,"[/color] he said quietly, sniffling from a combination of clogged sinuses and almost-tears. There was a point where Donovan didn't think he'd make it back either. As soon as he had sensed the men in the trucks, he kicked open the back entrance Vanessa had broken earlier. He'd barely taken a step out when a sudden flash had grazed his cheek. Instinctively, he had scrambled and crouched by the wall, out of the door's line of vision. He remembered tentatively feeling his face bleed steadily, and the sharp, stinging pain that started to kick in. He'd gotten sloppy in his excitement. The sight of Nico looking so hurt made Donovan's heart ache. Gently, he took Nico by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. [color=f7976a]"There's no need to worry,"[/color] he said quietly, mustering the trademark confidence into his smile, [color=f7976a]"There's always going to be some kinda crisis we're up against. I know me and Whisper swore to look out for you, and I'm glad that you're looking out for all of us too. But trust me on this one. I'm not that easy to get rid of. You'd know that better than anyone else."[/color] Nico still didn't look convinced. Donovan frowned again, already feeling the guilt for what he had to say next. [color=f7976a]"Right, Nicobutt?"[/color] He gave Nico a friendly muss of the head to send the message home. The familiar nickname and familiar gesture pulled Nico's lips into a sad smile. His older brother, Elliot, had always used that name with him. Now Donovan had taken up the job. That was saddening in another way, for all that Nico was grateful. A decisive blow. Donovan smiled sadly, sensing the pang in Nico's heart that indicated his resignation from the argument. It was an absolute dick move, to use something so important to Nico in such a manipulative manner, but Donovan couldn't have his friend in his business like this. That nickname was a necessary evil. Donovan wondered how many times he'd tell that to himself in the future. Nico grabbed Donovan's wrist with a resigned sigh. [color=f7976a]"Right,"[/color] he answered, letting go almost immediately to cover his mouth for another round of coughing. Whisper was quick to grab the bottle from Nico's hands before anything could spill out of it and he retrieved two pills and a bottle of water just as Nico recovered. Garrett made a dramatic "Oof" noise in the background. [color=f7976a]"So sad I can't just lick your cold away, Nico-Nico!"[/color] he mused. Whisper shot him a glare that could kill. Donovan chuckled with a mixture of amusement and disgust, thankful for the timely distraction. Garrett was an absolute creep but the bloke had his moments. [color=f7976a]"Just focus on getting better, alright?"[/color] the Aussie grinned, [color=f7976a]"Can't do much without our glorious leader."[/color] He got up to his feet to check on the others, registering the quiet affirmation from his friend as Nico allowed Whisper to shove him back under the sheets. As he sorted through the clothes with Vanessa, he thought back on the conversation. Many things were better left unsaid, the most important of them being that during the whole encounter with the USARILN officers Donovan had not even for a second considered dropping their bags to ensure a quick escape. Not when Vanessa crouched by him with glowing hands, ready to destroy the incoming vehicles. Not even when Seiji had screamed it at him, doing his best with Maaya folded into a rough wall to consume the bullets. The worst part was that Donovan would do it again in a heartbeat, even for just half of what they brought back today. Nico could connect with people. It was Donovan who read them well enough to subdued them but it was Nico who really turned them over. He could catch those little things that made up a person's heart and talk about them without stepping on toes. But he couldn't read them like Donovan did. Even in the most mundane of moments, Donovan tracked their emotional states, gauging their loyalty and restlessness at all times. He was the one who administered the morale boosts, who distracted the team from the wretchedness of their situation. All these trips were to keep the team in top shape. To make sure they wouldn't defy Nico if worse came to worst. Donovan chuckled at the seriousness of it all. Was he lying to himself now? No, he needed to admit it. He was a people person. He liked making stupid jokes, playing pranks, bringing back useless presents that they'd usually have to leave behind every time they jumped through one of Jon's portals. They needed to travel light. From a logical viewpoint, the impermanence of his gifts made his 'shopping trips' look fucking ridiculous. But their smiles made him happy. That's all there was to it. The disturbing, hooty laugh that Garrett did whenever he got a new pair of boots. The reluctant and snooty thanks he got from Seiji and Erica. That weird restrained smile Nico did whenever he was secretly ecstatic. Donovan lived for it. But now that he really looked back on it, now that he had experienced one of the closest calls he'd ever gone through, he felt like a fucking idiot. He made Nico worry. Then he toyed with Nico's emotions so he could escape one of their rare confrontations. Fucking coward. Was all this done for him to feel some sense of 'family'? His family was gone. Nico and Whisper were the only ones he had left. To try and project that sort of attachment onto these criminals he barely knew was nothing but insanity. Maybe it could happen somewhere far into the future. He'd be able to regard them as his steadfast companions, as people he would give his life for. But not at the moment. Definitely not now. Donovan was dumb, but he wasn't a complete idiot. He'd learn his lesson from today. He recalled the thoughts that had run through his mind during that brief siege. He wasn't going to let Nico down for some looting spree. The only ending he'd accept was one by his brothers' sides. He loved this group, sure, but his life belonged to Nico and Whisper. He got up and stretched, satisfied with his self-imposed ultimatum. Whisper dropped a hand on his shoulder right after that, index finger tapping against Donovan's collar bone in the usual indicator that he had something to "say." Donovan looked back at him and gave him a quizzical smile. [color=f7976a]"What's up, Whiz?"[/color] he asked casually. The tallest of the orphaned brothers handed Donovan a friendship bracelet with a slight scowl of jealousy, jabbing a thumb at a now-dozing Nico to indicate where it had come from. Donovan flashed his companion a smug, knowing look, noting his rampant envy. Nico made three types of friendship bracelets on a consistent basis: ones for happier moments when they had the time to spare, ones for special occasions, and ones he threw away--having made them purely for the sake of calming down or distracting himself. The one Whisper was offering had clearly been meant for some particular occasion, but for reasons Donovan could likely guess, Nico had decided to add one more token of appreciation to Donovan's collection. The bracelet sported an intricate fishbone pattern with an orange gradient making up the ribs while silver and gold accents alternated a striking frame around the edges. It almost looked like it physically hurt for Whisper to hand it over. Donovan's cocky smirk turned into a look of pure happiness upon receiving the gift. Only Nico could make Donovan smile like this. That cinched it. He gave Whisper an understanding pat on the shoulder and left to watch the group by Nico's side. He wouldn't be leaving that spot for a long while. Whisper joined him there soon afterwards. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3R5vYYi.png?2[/img][/center] [hr]