"... I think we may have hit upon exactly what happened, though it's not what you think it is, Ryuuko-kun," said Toshiko, finally, turning away from the wall. Funnily enough, it was what the girl had said that had finally put two and two together in the redheaded mage's mind. If her guess was true, that also meant that this did narrow down who may have done this. At the very least, they knew what kind of abilities they were dealing with. "You're well aware that one of the affinities for magic is air, correct?" Taking the scrap of paper in her hand once more, she looked it over. "One of varieties of spells traditionally associated with air is known as displacement. It allows the caster to move an object without 'severing' it from its location. For example, you could cut a table in half with this spell, but upon restoring it the table would be one solid object once again. You could even transport limbs and other body parts and still have full control over them when you do so." Scanning the wall once more, eyeing the spot the paper had been taken from, she continued. "If I'm correct, they may have displaced this wall in segments to disrupt the defences, then replaced it when they were finished. See how they evenly spaced the ofuda?" Toshiko gestured to the evenly-spaced spots where it looked like something had been attached. There were marks of how the charms had burned away from their use, even. "But one of the walls went to the wrong place, breaking the library barrier and becoming lightly damaged in the process."