[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MJO2qSh.png[/img] [h3]Flashback jam coming when [@Write] finishes exams.[/h3][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCDAfa-NI-M][i]8:30 AM.[/i][/url] It was around 8:30 AM every morning that the first of Lorena Negasi's three emergency alarms would kick off, attempting to rouse the foreign student from whatever adrenaline, food, or babe-induced coma she'd been knocked into. Next would come the alarm at 9:45, and then the third and final one at 11. If nothing had woken her up by then, the day was considered wasted, and the next twenty-four hours were spent exercising and intermittent RSPN binges in an attempt to purge the sloth from her body. Back in the continent-hopping days of her second decade alive, this ritual was a fairly common way for Lauren to spend her days. But clearly, she was getting soft in her old age. This morning, only one alarm was necessary. Although... [color=8882be][i]most high give me another hour UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNGHBRUHBRUHBRUHKILLMEBRUH[/i][/color] ...she was usually more of a morning person. [color=8882be][i]where the hell[/i][/color] [i]Her[/i] bed had more covers than this. Cap, that fucking driven snow looking...fucker! Of [i]course[/i] she was in Ben's bed, who else was ignorant orgasmic feeling of being cocooned by eight to eleven layers of bedding and covers the way he was? And to think they were besties! [color=8882be]"he ain't ma bredda he a bumbaclot"[/color] Lauren murmured sleepily to the sleeping white devil beside her. One hand sleepily made its way up to her bra and went to grasp at her phone, fingers shuffling for the blessed 'silent' switch on the top of her phone... ...and grabbing a... a... [color=8882be][i]stroke stroke stroke[/i][/color] dildo! The knuckle on her little finger brushed against a hand-sized grip towards the bottom of the shaft. [color=8882be][i]weird dildo[/i][/color] That's because it was Lawnslot! She remembered now. She had plucked it straight from the table before the eyes of an awestruck, disbelieving Ben, and stuffed it in her fancy new designer handbag...which had gone... ... ... [color=8882be]"cap" "Caaaaaaaaaaaap."[/color] Lauren rolled over onto her side, seeking out her phone, or the best friend who had stolen it from her like the sore loser he was. Instead, she felt a source of body heat where there should have been none on Cap's lithe, fuggable physique. [color=8882be][i]Wait, Cap grew boobs?[/i][/color] She was starting to regain cognitive function...if not quite full sobriety. [color=8882be][i]Liiiiiight the beacons! What a time to be alive! Light the beacooooooooohitsamy.[/i][/color] Her phone's alarm was still playing. Was it between Amy's boobs? Should she ask for it back? Should she take it? There was a whole wealth of new numbers in there that would be lost forever if Amy's boobs crushed her phone... [color=8882be][i]blink[/i][/color] The fuzzy shapes of the Bastille dorm were darkened by sleep. [color=8882be][i]blink[/i][/color] And then started to clear as Lauren Negasi opened her eyes, beginning her first real weekend off as a student of higher learning. In bed. With another girl. At least partially dressed. [color=8882be][i]What the hell has happened to me?[/i][/color] [color=8882be]"Deezii-ur."[/color] The word was muffled by the pillow still burying the bottom half of Lauren's face. [color=8882be]"Bruh. Where's my phone?"[/color] That wasn't much of a way to greet a teammate, though. Especially a hot one. [color=8882be]"Your tits are way nicer up close."[/color] Most tits were, but still. She had woken up on her very first alarm. If Amy really liked her, she'd cut her some slack.