The majority of the public session proved itself to be even more boring than Hatuum's anxiety had anticipated. Political discussions of the kind that was going on would not net him any new contract. What had he expected however ? A mercenary's life was no bed of roses, so what should an assassin's life be ? Yet the situation started to become more and more boring at an alarming rate. The unnaturally pale man started to spend an increasing portion of his time on tasks other than paying attention to the words spoken down there. He heard the large entrance gates open and close multiple times and on almost every occasion, Hatuum turned his head around to look who's coming. Only very few were of real interest for him though - one of them being Amiartys. It had rather not been the man himself that had attracted Hatuum's attention, but the fact that he had gathered five guards around him - and... a boy ? Why would anyone bring a young kid in here ? Hatuum found his words rather erratic and being a clear indication of inexperience. However on the other hand there was some implication behind the mere circumstance that someone who appeared to be as important or at least well-situated like Amiartys was actually willing to have such a person around himself. Hatuum was on his way making the decision to get up and approach him in a casual manner, but shortly before he was able to finalize his thoughts, things changed down where the elder was talking. So... Germans. He smirked. Why were historians still bothering about taking notes of their malicious activity ? Wouldn't it save a lot of parchment and memory if one started to mention peaceful times only ? His own life hardly covered any timespan worth being mentioned from a vampire's perspective, but he roughly knew what had happened over the course of the late last century. The question was... Was he willing to engage himself in open combat against them ? The thing was bound to earn him something, but it would be quite off his usual approach as well. Hatuum decided to defer his decision. The issue would not run away from him. Most likely not even the ongoing debate would do since these were prone to last long. The man who many considered to be some sort of strange monster got up sluggishly, turned around and went up the stairs taking several of them at once with each step he made. The mercenary Amiartys was dead ahead and was now approached by him. Hatuum wasn't sure about what to say, but everything would be better than sitting around there and doing... nothing... until things cleared up. [color=yellow]"Hello there."[/color]