The lack of development does indeed make the guild less than it could've been. we used to keep watch on the suggestions section, to organize the feature requests and had many ideas for developing things like the RP tag system, but with our dark overlord being busy down in mexico, all value of keeping such in order faded, as nothing was developed. Sure, there's been some changes to the security system to deal with the bot plagues, but beyond that, nothing. the feature request thread is now one day away from a full year since last post and a year and a half or so since last real activity. Tag system thread is similarly aged. These days, we use the guild primarily for two purposes: source of players, place to store threads. Everything else (lore, chats, collabs, character construction, etc) is done in alternate places, like discord and google docs. As for players. We've not really been active in venturing into casual for a long time, so we can't speak on the state of players there. As we tend to be rather demanding as a GM when it comes to sheets, we find that we do not find many new players that stick around our RP. we get a fair amount of interest, but few of those who expressed such ever submitted a sheet, let alone stuck around after we reviewed sheets. Granted, we may have scared a few of those off from our reviews of others. The guild has seen better days, but it has also seen worse. Right not it feels more like its stagnant than that it is decaying. A real upgrade on several of the features would go a long way towards preventing decay, but we won't expect anything of that sort until its released. As not all new players are new to RPing, we do think that a lot of the feeling of loss of quality may just as well be a result of the classic "things were better back when we were our age."-thing than an actual significant fall in player quality. Sure, fewer players match our bill too, but we're willing to take on weaker players if it can help them grow. After all, the best way for a weak player to learn is at the hands of stronger players.