Finch suddenly became keenly aware of his diminutive stature as the city of New Minbenthac grew in the distance with every step. His wings fluttered slightly as he ran a hand through his wild, untamable hair. Damn nervous habits. He hadn't felt this uneasy since his days as a mere initiate in the Verdant Recon. Finch knew very little about the city, or even really what a city was like. He had heard from an old wood elf that this city was actually a colony city and that the city from which it had been born was likely even larger and more viciously defended. The idea of a place bigger than this being made by the hands of people shook the pixie a bit, but he knew better than to doubt the old sage. If the elven people were capable of constructing such intricate networks of treehouses and lofts amongst the trees, perhaps other people had even greater skill. Still though, the idea of a place where wood and stone only existed because they were allowed to do so after being smashed and cut by man gave him a halfway uneasy feeling in his wings. Finch put that uneasiness to rest as a new uneasiness reared up in the form of a figure approaching in the distance. Recognizing that he was now about halfway between the city and the forest, the agreed upon meeting point, Finch stopped and placed his gaze firmly in the direction of this newcomer. He puffed his chest out slightly and attempted to look fierce, but not [i]too[/i] fierce. After all, he had to work with this person. Couldn't have them running off in fear at their first meeting. Finch exhaled his held breath as he realized that the approaching figure in the distance was not a human as he had expected, but in fact some sort of dragon! The features had only suddenly become apparent to him, but he was suddenly able to ascertain that his presumed ally was none other than a two-legged dragon in city clothing. He had heard rumors that the residents of New Minbenthak were dragons, but he had believed that these were nothing but tales to scare the children and keep them away from the city folk. His stern, stalwart pose a bit shattered by this realization, Finch decided that he would take a friendlier approach. No reason to send himself on a trip to the healer before his adventure had even begun. He wasn't sure if the approaching person had seen him yet due to his small size, so just in case, he decided to lean coolly against a boulder to his right and wait for them to approach with what little style he could salvage after his brief internal struggle.