[center][h1][color=gray]Kai Funches[/color][/h1][/center] After hearing out the bunker commander with his so-called words of encouragement, Kai was hesitant to leave feeling it was a bad idea. He's heard of stories about places being contaminated for many many years without a sign of clearance but...that were about to go out into the post planet rape scene and take their chances. For Kai, the first words that came out of his mouth was [color=gray]Ha! Fuck that....[/color] he said with his arms crossed but it wasn't like ha had a choice as a wave of people pushed and shaved, forcing him out into the poisoned air that caused choking and gasping where many fell out. It was as if the either the worst fart smell circulated or chemical warfare finally caught up to civilians. Kai was a bit cautious, walking around a little but not far enough to just wander like others that were doing so. What were they going to do now? How the hell will they survive. Kai could hear screams coming from another direction and he really didn't want to check on it for the fact that he could be the next one to scream out in agony or fear. But...something to him to head that way just in case. If there were animals that they could eat....to what means could he catch and kill them?