[@pugbutter] I get the whole neat-freak thing. By lists, are you referring to the example I give below? If so, we can still do it. [b][u]Example[/u][/b] [list][*] Character List[list] [*] Good Characters[list] [*] Captain Messiah [*] Some Obi-Wan Expy[/list] [*] Evil Characters[list] [*] Supreme Overlord Trump [*] That Lackey Pence[/list] [*] Neutral Characters[list] [*] Undecided Dude [*] Edgy Chaotic Neutral Guy[/list][/list][/list] Not sure what you mean by 'numbered', unless you're just saying being able to number the lists, which you can technically type in manually. Anyway, the coding for lists are still in the BBCode, so check the Formatting Cheatsheet for that information. Edit: I altered my example, since I didn't like it that much.