[@Phobos] [hider=The Guardian Allister Matthews] [center][img]http://wallpaperus.org/wallpapers/02/5/berserk-guts-1920x1141-wallpaper-772947.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"If they had the need to send me in, your life was deemed not worth sparing...Prepare yourself!"[/i][/center] [center] [b][color=9e0b0f]Hero Name:[/color][/b] [i]The Guardian, The Paladin, The Templar[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Hero Class/Rank: [/color][/b] [i]S Rank 4[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Appearance: [/color][/b] [i]A monster of a man, he stands roughly 6'10 at a bulky 360lbs, 4% of which is body fat. All over his body, or better yet, what his body is made up of is scars. Bullet wounds, knife and sword wounds, all of these painted over his body like a violent canvas that had taken years to develop. The most noticeable is the one that runs down from his right eye, crosses his chest down to his lower left leg. The outfit seen in the pictures is the outfit he adorns in battle as a hero, or simple patrol, although he has been seen wearing shorts and shoes into combat but rare that he does so.[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color][/b] [i]Allister Matthews[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Personality: [/color][/b] [i]Despite the experiences as a hero, he keeps most pain hidden from view with a smile and a wave. He enjoys the company of his fellow heroes as well as the newbies of the field of hero ship, willing to tutor or teach them what he knows combat wise or experience wise. Some see him as a father figure in that sense, and has proven that to be the case with the younger crowd, punishing them for misbehaving but treating them to food for success. Some have even considered him a big brother, which has brought him to tears before. Outside of work he can be seen in flip-flops, tank tops and short sleeved shirts. He can dress formal, but he dislikes it, finding the outfits to constricting and expensive. Thanks to his size, shopping for clothing is difficult. He is a bit of a religious man, before entering combat he does pray, much like the Templars of old. He is a man of faith and a man of virtue but does not project his beliefs onto others as that falls against his own code of honor as both a man and a fighter. He believes in second chances and those who truly wish for forgiveness he has respect for. However, should you be the evildoer and cause havoc to the human populace, heed this warning, Allister is not a man of mercy nor one of forgiveness in this field, he has been given the Moniker among his peers, outside of public media as the executioner. His violent onslaught and fierce determination, coupled with his undying iron will and refusal to ever yield is a sight to behold and one that many of his colleagues fear yet respect. He has given the fighters of old distinguished honor for his style of combat, absorbing the tradition as much as he can. A bit of a contradiction but there is grey within his black and white lines.[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Brief History:[/color][/b] [i]Allister did not have a great upbringing in the sense of family, finances and other things but he is grateful for what he has. He was placed as a baby outside of a nun convent when he was born. His parents, too poor to afford him, entrusted the convent with the life of their son. At a young age, he was raised by Angel Grace, Mother of the Convent and famous superhero, known for her healing abilities. Growing up in a convent, he learned about the church and faith and despite his frail form he always prayed to be big and strong like the heroes he seen on tv, strong enough to join them. One day, if by blessing, he started his change around the ripe young age of 6. Many do not know the rest of his story. Some say it was a blessing by God, others just claim that it was genetics that ran in his unknown family bloodline. One thing is certain. He is the shining light of the people. He is their guardian. Whoever or whatever threatens his peaceful life or the lives of his city's citizens, he will be there, ready to avenge those who cannot avenge themselves.[/i] [hr] [hr] [b][color=9e0b0f]Abilities:[/color][/b] [b][u]Super Strength[/u][/b] [i]The first thing anyone will notice is the sheer strength that he has. Not only wielding "Bjorn", a hammer that weighs nearly a ton and a half, he wields "The Crucible", an outstanding 8 ton blade made of forged iron and steel with near grace and finesse. He has been deemed the third strongest amongst the Heroes.[/i] [b][u]Abnormal Speed[/u][/b] [i]This is more of a byproduct of his strength, able to run at incredible speeds and this has been shown when he caught up to a robber on the highway (running up to 60-70mphs). He isn't like the others who can flash out of sight and reappear, but he can keep up with a few of them, minus the insane stamina they have. [/i] [b][u]Iron Skin[/u][/b] [i]Of course this is of exaggeration, but due to the density of his muscles, he has been able to handle small arms fire directly (.38 - 45cal and .357 mag) and take on bladed weapons with no problem, for the most part. The consistent fighting he has done and the damage he has taken over time has helped add to the major callusing to his body, allowing for such skin to be formed.[/i] [b][u]Iron Will[/u][/b] [i]Some have considered this to be an ability just due to the fact how he presents it. He has never given up in a fight nor has he ever failed to attempt rescue for a fellow hero or civilian in distress. He pushes through pain, some of which that can be considered crippling and will attempt to finalize the solution to his problems.[/i] [b][u]Terra Manipulation[/u][/b] [i]This ability is more done out of the raw power Alister has built up over the many years he has been around rathe than terrakenesis which many believe he has. A simple tap on the ground from his foot or hand has enough force to landscape his surroundings. All out he can create massive craters, walls of earth, pillars and other things.[/i] [b][u]Lightning Creation[/u][/b] [i]Alister can generate large electric currents by way of a highly specialized nervous system that has the capacity to synchronize the activity of disc-shaped, electricity-producing cells packed into a specialized electric organ. The nervous system does this through a command nucleus that decides when the electric organ will fire. When the command is given, a complex array of nerves makes sure that the thousands of cells activate at once, no matter how far they are from the command nucleus. When activated, it releases around no less then 5 volt per cell equaling to more than five million volts. It is enough to stun an enemy or send them into muscular convulsions if not death depending on the health of his opponent. He can transfer this electrical energy through Bjorn and The Crucible thanks to their conductive nature as well as through the ground, hence the combo he has made with this feat. [/i] [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/4a96/i/2013/265/a/6/berserk___guts_by_yoyaan-d6ndc9y.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Drawing of a victorious Gaurdian, mounting the disgusting creature Juubleli, a monster from unknown origins.[/i][/center] [b][color=9e0b0f]Skills/Combos:[/color][/b] [b][u]TerraShock[/u][/b] [i]Using either Bjorn or The Crucible, he heaves them down to the ground with enough force to begin a small tremor in the ground. But with a little bit of terra manipulation and lightning creativity, he can create a visible ripple that runs under and across ground, electrified by his second ability. This can come either in the form of a rippling arch or a full circle of impact.[/i] [b][u]Fortuitous Wall[/u][/b] [i]This can be done either by stomping or punching the ground, but by doing so with amplification from his terra manipulation, he can create a strong reinforced wall that is thick enough to protect civilians from harm. [/i] [b][u]Shockwave[/u][/b] [i]He is able to send out an electrical blast by building up a dense yet strong electrical charge before quickly dispelling it around him. It has the capacity to incapacitate enemies or stun them.[/i] [b][u]Judgement/Execution[/u][/b] [i]This move requires both Bjorn and The Crucible. Bjorn's head is heated by Allister's natural lightning nature and brings forward particles of the iron in the blade and slams it against the forehead of the opponent, stunning the opponent with a strike that leaves a slight electrical charge behind it. Then he draws the Crucible, and plants the blade into the ground while sending an electrical charge underground that travels to just below his opponent. Then with a quick, amplified spark that is sent through the ground, he is able to connect both the charge coming from the head to the charge on the ground, creating a pillar of lightning that is sent through his opponent.[/i] [b][u]Crippling Charge[/u][/b] [i]This is both a move that can be used with or without an electrical charge. Using momentum he built up through speed, he becomes a freight train on legs, capable of moving trucks and cars out of his way with forward momentum.[/i] [hr] [hr] [b][color=9e0b0f]Possible Goals?:[/color][/b] [i]He is thinking that one day he would like to join the academy and teach the younger heroes a thing or to about real world hero ship. That or continue what he had done before he joined the heroship and become a father of the church.[/i] [b][color=9e0b0f]Other:[/color][/b] [i]Despite his beliefs as far as smoking and drinking goes, he does enjoy a cigar or a shot of whiskey occasionally while sitting on the balcony of his home, watching over the city he protects like he does his garden. With that said, he is a bit of a gardener, able to grow fresh tomatoes and cucumbers out of his apartment that he adds to his cooking when friends and "family" come over. He is seen going to the Covent that raised him as often as he can, visiting Mother Mary, a hero who is now in her eighties (though retains a youthful appearance) and went by [url=http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%D6%C7%D5%DF%B5%C2%C2%B3%D2%C1/pic/item/3547c11fd4cf84d01ad5761b.jpg]Angel Grace[/url], a well known and famous healer. He often makes tea for her and brings her gifts. She considers her his mother and will die to protect her.[/i] [/center] [/hider]