[center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title319801692.png[/img][/center] [color=Silver][center][h3][color=white]⚙️[/color] [color=Silver][u]Ferris Grey Solidor [/u] [u] Beacon, Dormitories [/u][/color] [color=white]⚙️[/color][/h3][/center] [center] [sup][color=white][i]Sunday, 7:30 a.m.[/i][/color][/sup][/center][/color] [i]Fire. Fire is what came next. Rolling, Crimson and Orange Flames. He remembered colors. White Clouds, Yellow Sun, and Blue Sky. A Red Smile. Clear Laugher and a Grey Promise. Then there were Plans for the Future. He remembered Joy. Then Unease. Shouts. Panic. Fear. Weightlessness. And finally...an explosion that shook the world. After that, came the Fire. Fire that erased all that remained.[/i] Ferris awoke gradually. His heart rate increased, his breathing quickened and deepened, his consciousness stirred from it's previously dormant state, and he slowly opened his eyes. It was dark. Ferris sluggishly rolled over, grabbed his Scroll, and turned it on. He winced slightly as the bright, cheerful light pierced his eyes. He checked the time. 7:30. Of course. He wanted to roll over and drift back off to dreamland, but he forced himself out from under his covers to sit up on the bed. He had the strange feeling that he had been dreaming; however, he couldn't remember any of the details. Using the light from his Scroll, he navigated to the bathroom, taking extra care not to disturb his teammates. Once there, he shut the door and flipped on the light. It was pretty basic. A shower, a toilet, a sink and a mirror. He gazed into the mirror for a moment and his reflection blearily stared back. The mirror revealed a fine, black coating of stubble on his face and chin. Ferris, still a little drousy, toyed with the idea of growing a beard, or at least a gotee for a moment before dismissing the idea. He yawned as he pulled out his shaving kit, and lathered up. He then pulled out a straight razor, grasping it in his right hand, with his left tucked behind his back, and with smooth practiced motions, he drew it across his face. His father had considered it a mark of manhood and pride to use an old-fashioned razor to shave, disdaining "safe" electric razors that most people used. "If you can't wield a blade with enough skill to not cut your face," He would always say. "then you have no business with one on the battlefield." He would then follow up with a grin and say "Of course, if you cut yourself, chances are you will be more careful next time, eh?" Ferris cut himself. He sighed. It was just a small nick that his Aura healed almost instantly, but it still stung quite a bit. On the bight side, he was fully alert now. He finished up quickly, going though the motions, rinsing and drying his face. He took a brush to his hair and beat out a cowlick that had formed. He left the bathroom for a moment to grab his uniform to change. His teammates were still sound asleep by the time he was finished changing. He shook his head at them. [color=silver][i]I'll let them sleep. It is the weekend, after all. No sane person should be up this early.[/i][/color] He grinned at himself. [color=silver][i]What does that make me, I wonder?[/i][/color] Steathily, he turned out the light and slipped out the dormitory door into the hallway. Breakfast was his goal, and nothing was going to stand him and his morning cup of Coffee. Just the thought made him tirsty. Consulting his map on his scroll, he made his way to the mess hall (cafeteria, whatever). Even this early, he passed a few students and teachers on the way there. He didn't stop to chat though. Thoughts of a warm, tasty, cup of joe spurred him onward. He arrived just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, and already there were a few people there, chatting and eating. He drew a few curious glances as he got his food, for one, he was wearing his white coat over his uniform he was also over six foot tall, towing over most people there, but probably the real reason he was drawing attention, was his claw-like left hand. Prosthetics were not uncommon, particularly among the upperclassmen, as they did fight dangerous creatures on a regular basis, but his Gauntlet looked so out of the ordinary that it made people stare. He didn't mind the looks. He glanced around, a cocky grin on his face, meeting the eyes of the people staring one by one. If it was a guy, he simply grinned, if it was a girl, he would give her a wink. Gradually, interest subsided, and the people went back to the meals and conversations. By that time, he had already gotten his food and coffee and sat down at an empty table. He lingered over the scrumptious eggs and bacon, and eagerly tucked into the pancakes. But the highlight of his morning, as it always was, was the coffee. He sighed in appreciation after each sip. Beacon coffee was some of the best he had ever had, he suspected that was because a certain teacher had a great affinity for the stuff. Which Ferris understand completely. After his third cup, he checked the time. [color=silver][i]8:56. Well, what now? I really don't have much to do. I could go back to the dorms to meet with my team...but by the looks of things, they are still asleep. Perhaps I'll explore the campus. It is so large, I still haven't seen the entire area.[/i][/color] He had heard that they had a library, and he was curious to see what it contained. He dropped off his dishes and got a fourth cup of coffee on his way out to ward off the slight chill that was in the air. He decided not to rely on the map on his Scroll to get around, he wanted to familiarize himself with the layout in person. Sometime later, Ferris ended up at the Airdocks. [color=silver]"Nope, definitely not the Library."[/color] He said to himself. [color=silver]"Alright, alright. I will admit it. I'm lost."[/color] He sighed. [color=silver]"Might as well take a look around while I am here."[/color] Airships and people were coming and going in busy manner. Cargo was being unloaded here, Hunters and Huntresses were being loaded up there, people loitering all around. What stuck Ferrin the most was the noise. Airships were taking off and landing almost constantly, creating a loud ongoing roar. People had to talk loudly just to be heard, while others shouted orders over the din. Compared to the quiet atmosphere of the dorms, it was quite a jarring contrast. Ferris himself mostly kept quiet and wandered, hands in his pockets, careful to stay out of the way. He idly tried to guess the make and model of each new airship, although he had no way of knowing for sure, he was probably wrong most of the time. He was just leaving when he came face-to-face with Ozpin himself, looking hurried, and some people who's clothing and gear denoted them as Beacon employees and nurses. Ferris immediately realized he was in their way, and he lept to the side. They sped past him, and out of a morbid curiosity, he followed. They unloaded a heavily wounded Hunter, and were gone as fast, if not faster, then they arrived. Ferris caught a glimps of the Hunter as they left, and he winced in sympathy at his injuries. Pain was something he was quite familiar with. He silently wished the poor boy a speedy recovery as he watched them leave, presumably taking him to the infirmary. Ozpin remained, though, and Ferris hung around apprehensively to find out what could put this nigh-legendary figure on edge. A Hunter and Huntress that just arrived approached and spoke to Ozpin. Ferris moved closer, to hear what was said. He onky caught the end of it, but he understood the gist. A misson went wrong, a huntress died, and the hunter that just left was wounded badly, and to this hunter's eyes, responsible. Ferris couldn't believe that this person's teammate could throw him under the bus like that, straight to the headmaster too. He was still curious, so he stayed to find out what was going on. [@Guess Who] [@Awesomoman64] [@Nytem4re] [@Lazo] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Lugubrious] (OOC: Not sure if the mentions are necessary, more or less just announcing Ferris's presence. If this was the show, he would be just another shadow figure in the background. XD)