Rose was sitting on a machine. She was never told what they were called because her mother said there was no point in her to use them. Rose always thought they were funny looking when she was younger and would explore them to see if she could find their use but like her mother said there was nothing. It did come in handy when she and Raphael had to run and find a place to sleep though at times it felt weird and uncomforable even at some the soft big pillows would fall from under her weight. Rose was on watch while Raphael in the machine slept for a 'nap' but she didn't understand why though it did keep him quiet for a bit. She loved the quiet a bit more than she loved running and fighting. She hears the familiar grunts of an infected and stands up grabbing her hand made spear. It was a long sharp knife on a stick tied together with a rope not the best weapon but it helped in a lot of cases where she was stuck. When the infected appeared it came towards her but didn't get closer that 4 feet when the spear went through its head. "Wose?" A small voice whispers from below Rose. She got on her knees and hung her head so she was looking through the machines door opening. "What Raph?" Roses voice was raspy and scratchy. "Wa'd infected?" The toddler whispers looking scared. Rose rolled her eyes but froze hearing voices and sat up straight on the car looking around. They weren't alone anymore there were people coming. The girl jumped down from the car and rushed to the spear pulling it until it ripped out of the infected skull. She staggered back a bit but got her balance. Rose turns and motions for Raphael to get out before going and grabbing their near empty sack. Grabbing the boy by the hand she made her way away from the voice and into a near by forest patch to hide for the night